
Jun 08, 2005 22:34


1. stuffed lassie
2. fave blanket in the world
3. cell phone
4. dirty clothes
5. pictures of friends
6. pillow
7. lotion


1. write autobiography for my children and my children's children, etc
2. see the pyramids of eygpt in person
3. Travel in Europe
4. spend my life with someone who loves me and and wants to sit on rocking chairs on our porch when we are old
5. have babies
6. have a job and be successful in that
7. have a large library with comfy chairs


1. Eyes - i am such a sucker for eyes...esp blue ones...sometimes green...but i love those baby blues
2. Humor- must have a warped sense of humor like me and be able to keep me entertained
3. Quirks- Have some part of personality that is dorky, cute, or unique and i will love it
4. Compassion/Tolerance- I cant stand it when people are cruel to other. Just b/c you dont agree doesnt mean you have to cut down.
5. Heart/Love- Love me please and let me know. I dont like guessing games when it comes to how people feel about me.
6. Complexity/Mystery- I love it when I cant just look at you and immediately know all there is about you. or if there is a side of you that i dont know til i get to know you better
7. Love of Animals- You wont get very far if you dont like animals.


1. I tend to be nosy. :)
2. If I could have any supernatural power or anything, it would be the ability to read minds.
3. I love animals. and books. A lot.
4. I dont like doing things that i cant see immediate results for or that have to be repeated often. like practicing, cleaning (though sometimes i like to clean)
5. I am ready for summer to be over.
6. I am getting a new kitten Friday.
7. i just dyed my hair dark...really dark...


1. dumbasses that were going to feed kittens to snakes
2. being ignored
3. thoughts of being without those i love
4. sick animals
5. people who do or say things just to hurt others
6. being forgotten
7. orphans

Do you Pray? -- yes. not nearly like i should though
Read the newspaper? -- every once in awhile i'll read one
Been in love? -- Yes
Had a medical emergency? -- not really
Had surgery? -- nope
Ran away from home? -- wanted to
Gotten beaten up? -- not physically.
Beaten someone up? -- Nope
Been on stage? -- with band yeah.
Slept outdoors? -- yeah
Pulled an all nighter? -- Yeah but not because of school work
Made out with a stranger(s)? -- Nope
Been on radio/tv? -- yeah with AU band and once with middle school scholar's bowl haha
Been in a mosh-pit? -- nope
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends -- more like i know of some people
First kiss? -- I was 14.
Pepsi or coke? -- i heart coke
Internet or phone? -- depends on the person. and then some people arent given justice unless i speak to them in person
Open-minded? -- I would like to think that I am
Arrogant? -- not as a general rule
Nice? -- i try really hard
Happy? -- for the most part.
Shave your head for $1000? -- sure thing. where can i sign up for that. i figure the wig wont be that expensive
Like candles? -- hehehe fire. sweet.
Believe in soul mates? -- to each there is but one.
Believe in love at first sight? -- eh, sometimes
Believe in forgiveness? -- yes. have to. everyone does or they wont get along with anyone in this world
Want to get married? -- sure do
Want to have kids? --Yup at least 2
Ever want to adopt kids? --it's a distince possibility but i really want at least that i carried in my belly
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