2009 037 Bad case of stomach flu/diarrhea

Aug 24, 2009 00:49

SIAN 100% maybe its the steamboat i it cause the diarrhea. Its like lao water instead of lao sai and everytime i go toilet my butt damn pain. I know damn er xin but still... Butt hole pain. Stomach pain, chest pain. SIAN. Tmr totally no mood to go school sia cos i dont dare eat anything D: My mum say eat oatmeal so just now i sibei hungry cos i vomit everything then i eat the oatmeal, next moment i went to lao shui. Sibei pain D:

BAH. the fact that i have 12903809098 assignments not done yet. i am sibei stress. D:

At least now i know how to spell diarrhea lol. And can detox, maybe i will get thinner ORZ.

rl/h: illnesses, rl/e: stress

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