And the SAGA unfolds...

Aug 23, 2008 23:52

Sort of...

Bad pun, but I guess I am the fourth ruling feudal lord of bad puns.

So this past tuesday was the return of Saga Underground Wrestling. Our last show was in February and we went all out with the Sandman, Raven, Joey Ryan and Christopher Daniels. I spent time in the studio recording promos, intros and commentary. I thought we had a great demo to go out for our bid to go on TV...and then the rug was pulled out from under the company. Apparently the production company and Saga could not come to an agreement on certain thing and the next thing I knew, all the work we did was for naught. So for the next five months I just chilled and did my own thing. Next thing I know I get the call that we are going to be performing in August. Not too much of a build up but Joey Ryan is billed as well as Tyler Black. The cool thing was that this was supposed to be a taping for MAN, Men's Adventure Network which airs on Dish Network. Think of it as SPIKE and Versus when it was TNN and OLN.

I was pretty nervous going in. I have not done commentary in a long time and unfortunately that last fed I was in, well my commentary partner was horrible. I had no problem with the announcing, that's something I always felt I had a knack for. Luckily I was going to work with my former broadcast partner Vince Vaughn. We did the old RMCW TV shows, IWF, HVW, and my feds commentary. I caught a chest cold the previous Saturday and I was not feeling too good. I got to show early and say they had partitioned the area and made it much smaller and intimate. It was the smallest venue I have ever worked in. I got set up, started interviewing the wrestlers for things I could talk about on air, the one thing I have learned about this business is that no matter how hard you prepare, you have to be able to wing it. I went over to the broadcast area and started to read some bumps.
"Saga is brought to you by...Welcome back to SAGA Underground..." I was not feeling it because I was sick and the producer was kind of worried, this is our first time working together and he is probably thinking that SAGA was talking up this great announcer and commentator, is this the best he can do? He wanted more enthusiasm and I told him, once the show starts I'll be on. That was my only prima donna moment. Before every show I always get nervous and think about all the things I have to get across and cover, the fact that I was sick and sucking down halls did not help my bump reading skills at all. So I left it at that and ran back stage. One last check and the music hit. I walked to the center of the ring looked at the crowd and said, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe I am in DENVER COLORADO!!! (Crowd Roars) I repeat my line and kick things off.
I caught the producer in my sight as well as the production crew. They seemed pretty pleased. Vince Vaughn and August Kai was back in action. I started to read my bumps with enthusiasm and authority. "SAGA is brought to you by the Penthouse Club, the Penthouse Club-WHERE THE MAGAZINE COMES TO LIFE!" Oh well someones got to pay the bills right? We also have action replays sponsored by PT's (another Stripclub) My contribution was naming the replay, PT's Powerplay. So through out the show Vaughn and I would call out for the "PT's Powerplay, brought to you buy PT's showclub and PT's All Nude-PT's come see what you've been missing!" Ah the irony!

Vaughn was on point, reminding me to hit sponsors and he worked in relevant topics. We definitely were not the King and JR, but we were definitely better than Adamle. It will take some time, but I would not want to work with anyone other than Vaughn. I had to announce from the table, which I have done in the past, but I think some of the wrestlers were used to having me in the ring. Right before the main event we had a three way featuring the Unreal Joshua Michael, Brandon Bishop and Joey "Magnum" Ryan. I like all three of these guys, but Joey is a hired gun from Cali. I really don't know him too well, but I dig his character. In the back he is really quiet and shy, but in the ring when the Magnum PI music hits and he starts flirting with the ladies, its a sight to behold.
He was messing around with some of the Penthouse Club girls in the crowd and they were looking at him like, "Who the hell is this guy?" I go through the introductions and I decided to elaborate on Joey. I introduced him as the Master of the Mustache Ride (the name of his finishing move and his shirt has "who wants a mustache ride?" written all over it) Joey "Magnum" Ryan. The Penthouse Club girls started to stand and cheer. I guess they wanted a... ah. So the match goes on and at one point Joey props Michael on the turnbuckle and turns to the crowd and asks, "Who wants a mustache ride?" and the crowd popped. I love to see the crowds enthusiasm. Joey ends up winning the match when Michael hits the Shooting star on Bishop and then eats a superkick by Joey.

Overall I had a lot of fun. I mention the whole mustache thing because after the show the broadcast guys seemed really happy with what's going on and then I met the head of MAN. (thats a weird sentence) We had a really good conversation and talked shop. He was pleased with the announcing and commentary, but he was not sure if we could get away with saying "mustache ride" on Dish Network. I was surprised. if the WWE and Spike can get away with half of the sexual innuendo they do, I thought mustache ride could surely get through.
Ah, I guess that is was what post production is for.

In the end it was nice to reunite with Vaughn, talk shop with the boys and chat with Mr. V and his Lady.
Too bad this was all on a Tuesday night.

Next show is a Wednesday, Sept 10. Until then...mustache rides for everyone.
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