think you're really hot hot.

Apr 25, 2009 21:33

Prom prom prom prom prom.

It was crazy. I had a great time, but it was really crazy.

Dinner and everything was fine, we had a big potluck at someone's house and it was cute and the food was good and we were sane, for the most part, except for the fact that I had NO IDEA that there is an equivalent to the corsage that a girl has to get for her date. So, yeah, I felt like shit, even though John is too nice and kept telling me that it was okay. Luckily we managed somehow to find one (my mom went out and bought it last minute :D) and things were fine in the end. 'Fine' meaning that I stabbed him with the pins a few times before I managed to have it stay without falling.

AND THEN THE LIMO PULLED UP, with strobe lights and everything, and we went batshit wild for no reason at all. Twelve "get crunk" songs (six of which were Britney Spears) and five attempts at honking at cars and yelling, "CALL ME!!!" later (yes, we were those obnoxious teenagers in the white Hummer limo, I'm sorry to admit), we made it to prom.

Crazy crazy crazy. Porn flickage on the dance floor, etc. Awkward dancing all around ("My hips are here"). Alexey darling drunk out of his mind and grinding on everybody, including the deejay and a random pillar. Free spray-on deodorant in the bathroom ("Okay, I'll hold my arms out and you spray--AHH COLD!"). Stashing our shoes in a secret corner. Dresses that were not actually dresses and more pathetic excuses for showgirl costumes ("She is definitely playing the 'what's under my dress?' game"). Boys boys boys ("I never want to see that look on his face again as long as I live. It was like...your face after a really good sneeze"). Gillian and I pseudo-stalking Joe the Amazing ("Sweet baby Jesus, that was some gyrating going on there." "Are you jealous of the girl he was with?" "YES.") Drama that was more hilarious than anything ("HE TRIED TO KISS ME!" "Kristine, you have sex hair.") More of the same for four hours.

The limo ride back to where it all started was much more subdued, and I fell asleep on my friend's date's shoulder, but he was pretty much everyone's date. He is just that kind of boy.

Then to Gillian's house, where the two of us had our own after party (i.e. eating Chex Mix in bed and talking until 5 AM--all of that late night reminiscing and talking about other people, you know).

All in all--I had lots of fun. Not sure that I'd do it again, but I have to say, it was eventful. :)

Yes, of course there are pictures! Once I gather the rest of them from the 19 other people that were in our limo party, I will sort the good ones out and throw them here. Maybe in some organized fashion, who knows.

senior promenade, i am a student

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