Last night I got into a video chat with augustbird and spirograph. I had intended to drop in for 15 minutes to say hi and then go to sleep.
As it was, I ended up staying up until 7am, and getting stupidly drunk on whisky in the process. (Span started it. She had brandy and I didn't want to feel left-out, and then because I was already tired I didn't realise how wasted I was getting until it was too late.)
...and then I revealed myself to be a hopelessly silly drunk with no impulse control. So I may at one point have pretended that my hands were squid. Among other things.
As it was, I ended up staying up until 7am, and getting stupidly drunk on whisky in the process. (Span started it. She had brandy and I didn't want to feel left-out, and then because I was already tired I didn't realise how wasted I was getting until it was too late.)
...and then I revealed myself to be a hopelessly silly drunk with no impulse control. So I may at one point have pretended that my hands were squid. Among other things.
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Also, I would totally have done the squid hands thing sober.
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