Nov 23, 2005 09:44
I would have left for home last night, that is when Bri and just about everybody else split, but I have my third patient interview to take care of today. This time it is counseling someone that may or may not have a drinking problem. I lucked out on the assignments again, mine will be relatively easy to take care of unlike the spousal abuse that Bri got stuck with (as Sisyphean as that sort of situation can be, it is further complicated by the fact that the husband will be present during the interview and the couple is 80 years of age, welcome to bizzaro land kids) or the 18 year old Internet addict that Theresa gets to spend a little quality time withe.
More snow too, practically a frosting rather than just the icing we had dropped on our donut last week; there are rumors about, that tonight will be the Storm of the Century of the week. The beetle and I won't start our journey home until after about 8pm, when all the other holiday travelers are hopefully safely the hell out of Detroit so I don't have to spend an evening with them stuck in gridlock, instead I may spend the evening alone in the slush and ice.
The cats are staying here though, apart from not wanting to spend an hour and a half withe 3 screaming feline companions in an enclosed space, I haven't exactly mentioned the new kitten to my parents because I know that if I do so witheout the kittens cuteness nearby to temper the tantrum I am going to be given a lot of shit over it. I don't really care if they disapprove, it is more a matter of not wanting to listen to "you don't have enough money" or "when will you have time for it?"; all the arguments against the acquisition a month after I already weighed them myself. (dissuading me was you peoples' jobs so i hold you all responsible on this matter) The money one is true enough, I am about flat broke right now, but the semester is almost over and i won't make the mistake of actually buying so many of my books again, nor will I have to pay an early lease termination fine that I was hoping they had forgotten about but apparently hadn't; easy come easy go right?
Oh but silence, it says so much doesn't it?