Dec 09, 2003 02:59
I would pen down my thoughts on those whom I share this city with...but with whom I share not pack bonds.
Licorice: First amongst equals, as she might say...just so long as she is regarded as more equal. There is a reason I did not stand in her way when she made her move for Archbishop, and there is a reason I do not act against her now. She is physically weak, even with the blessing she recieves from Morticia. It would require next to no effort on my part to remove her. But I do not. I have been asked by many why that is so. It is because it is not what is best for the Sword. She may be megalomaniacal, capricious, and insane...but, she does recognize that I am what is best for San Diego. I am the only Bishop in its history that has lasted longer than a year. I am the only Bishop in its history that could quit tomorrow and say truthfully that the city is in better shape for my having been there. Mad Dog might say that I have finally finished DeLaSol's work. DeLaSol was a fool...I had to burn down what he had wrought before reconstructing everything. The ends have been the same, but the means are as night and day. This is all because Licorice was intelligent and perceptive enough to not stand in my way as I did what was best for the sword. To get back to the original point: To remove Licorice, while many would see it as a blessing, the extreme difficulties and hardships in bringing that about far outweigh any perceived gains. To put it even shorter: I know where the power in San Diego resides. Why should everyone know that? As I told someone at Esbat, I take my command nods from the funny little man in black...not the funny little man in brown.
Natalya: The "Voivode" pristine, so pathetic. She is the self appointed leader of the Fiends in my See. It would be more accurate to say that she is my messenger und "go-fer" when an issue absolutely requires fiend assistance or thought. She is Russian...or Rumanian...or Rom...some subhuman type. It is of little importance now, as she looks nothing like what she once was. A thought I find quite amusing regarding the Fiends...a lineage composed almost entirely of mongrel mortal blood, the only ones amongst them who have any inherited nobility are those who have been inbred for centuries to the point of uselessness...back to my point...a lineage of mongrel mortals, who once made Vampires, spend the rest of their existence seeking some perfection of the flesh? Their creator has wonderful sense of humor. And some wonder why I have never sought to learn their "power". The thought of picking up their taint sickens me.
Piston: Ah, what can I say of Piston except that he is even more pathetic than Natalya? A creature more potent, more capable, and in every way better, enslaved to the whims of that Romanian idiot savant. I have tried to break him free of her control on many occasions, but it seems that he is the worst kind of slave; a willing one. What she wants, he will get, and make himself happy in the process. There is nothing I can do for him.
Breaker: A Pander, a mongrel to be used, and used with no sense of scruple, since nobility is a foreign thing to his dirty blood. Aside from that, he was quite good. I refer to him in the past tense, as recent information leads me to believe that he may be dead. A pity. He trained good soldiers.
Jude: An idealistic fool, but a strong and useful one. I believe that Jude is the only Bruder that has passed through San Diego who could be even close to my physical equal. Sadly, it is a question that cannot be answered now, as he has moved on to a different See and coast. One thing is certain in my mind, however...and that is that Jude is a coward at heart. For all his bluster and bravado, he still will not die for the Sword. He is not afraid of death...for he will tempt it for his own ends; but if there is nothing for him in the death, he will not proceed. Knowing that about him means you have power over him.
Klang: A truly disturbing Tzimisce if ever there was one. I have placed him as ductus of the Engel Abattoir, since he was gaining too much of a following as their Priest. He responds strongly enough when his men fuck up und I smack him for their failure. This one I must keep in a low position. He must never replace Natalya...lest the fiends here grow in power.
Patrick, Anne, Jackie: Inconsequential at worst. Useful informants or errand boys at best. These three have recently become very useful in providing evidence of Dr Kant's misdemeanor.
Dr Kant: This fool will hopefully learn very soon, or die at the hands of his pack. My patience is wearing thin.
Simon Stoltz:
Zachary and Chalice: This pack is interesting. Zachary, the ductus, seems to like nothing better than maintain a distance from me...whilst Brianna, the priestess, goes out of her way to impress me...about anything. The pack itself is a one is really sure what they do, other than provide resources for the sword. Brianna is a physical warrior, whilst Zachary is a psychic one. Anne Ward, the former nomad, has joined them, and seems none the worse for it...I am still waiting for this group to kill off Dr Kant.
Mad Dog: Either the greatest fool or the greatest manipulator this Diocese has seen. Upon being bathed as Archbishop, he selected his Bishops' Council: Myself as Bishop of Security and Logistics, Licorice as Bishop of War, Natalya as Bishop of Spirituality, and Tiger as Bishop of Nomads. This was genius; with this move, he proved himself as either an eminent politician or an incompetent delegator. This group of Bishops could never and would never work together cohesively. We spent more time arguing about each others reach and jurisdiction than we spent on our responsibilities. This kept any of us from being a threat to Mad Dog politically. If that was his aim, he's a genius. If not; he was a simpleton elevated beyond his worth. I am judging that he was a simpleton, as his plans for betraying the Sword of Caine were not complex enough to evade detection and...punishment.
The Incredible 8: Note that this pack has only four members. That sums them up. Idealistic simpletons. Licorice describes my Rune Packs as fodder. I will think of the Incredible 8 as fodder long before I will use the Rune Packs as such.