My Heart Will Go On Reaction (mentions of spoilers for future eps)

Apr 16, 2011 09:31

First of all, Show, forgive me for doubting you. I was pretty sure this was going to be another run of the mill MOTW ep with a side of Balthazar shenanigans, but a lot things over the past couple of seasons were brought together quite nicely, and some in a very emotional way.

The Titanic jokes were funny, I've got to be admit and I squeed pretty loud at 'the other angel in a dirty trench coat who's in love with you', because well, that's Cas in a sentence, and I loved that we got to see the extent of his love for the boys.

For an episode that didn't have a lot of Misha screen time, it revolved around Castiel and his war in Heaven quite a bit. I was wondering when we were going to see the Heaven storyline come into play again and here we have it.

Can we just tal about Castiel's regrettable things for a while? Because Cas, oh, Cas, the things he's doing, the things he has to do. Balthazar first introduced the idea of souls being currency earlier this season and the creating new souls harkens to priniting currency in wartime. This leads onto the idea that printing more money devalues the currency, so are souls becoming worthless?

And if souls are currency, do some souls have a greater value than others? How does Sam's soul play into this? Castiel was against bringing Sam's  up from Hell, if I remember, was he infact trying to misguidedly trying to 'save' Sam's soul by keeping it in the Cage, away from the final trade off.

Slinky mentioned that this whole war in Heaven is a bit like Raphael and Cas playing poker with souls, after this ep, I'm evern more inclined to agree with her. Both sides seem to be betting high and Cas has taken to using less more and more unscrupulous methods to try and win.

Despite how angelic he seems, Cas was really very human in this ep in the way he dealt with the boys and with Altropos. He really seems to have pissed off a lot of old friends. Speaking of Altropos, the fact Heaven was referenced as a office hierarchy again was great, it makes me miss Zachariah though!

A lot of Cas' storyline, where it seems to be going ties in with Jus in Bello and Sam's storyline in Season 4, he has good intentions, the best, but ultimately he's  desperate, he isn't on the winning side and he's trying to just survive. A real to contrast to how he was meant to return to Heaven as the new 'sherriff in town', he becomone more of an outlaw.

It was heartbreaking how he gave everything up for the boys again, he needed those souls, no doubt about that but when faced with the possibility that Sam and Dean may die, he chose to let go of Heaven yet again, (we would never expect anything less).

There was lot of talk of 'never being born over dying', perhaps the new 'freedom or peace?' and I'm terrified that this is somehow linked to Cas. I'm literally holding my heart in my throat terrified that somehow Cas will choose not to be born than to die, thus turning the whole story in a different direction and this is how Cas's childhood will play into this.

The little differences really made the episode sparkle, the boys drove a Mustang and Cuba was the most popular destination... Ellen was married to Bobby. This episode was framed by Bobby's grief and the boy's concern for their surogate father. Ellen and Bobby's kitchen table scene was one of the most emotional of the season. Their quiet love was beautiful, a real heartwrenching contrast to how alone he was in the final shot.

The season came back on track with this episode I think, Dean was Dean. His smile, his stupid jokes and just Dean. Dean. Dean. Sammy  was Dean's Sam again, geeky, adorable, hideous yellow shirt, bitch face included. Conficted feelings, boys in sync with each other, everything is how it should be.  *happy sigh*

WESTERN NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bounces*  Episode 21 is called 'Let It Bleed' oh noes.

that show with the brothers, tv, reaction post, show of my heart

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