Introduction and Masterpost

Apr 14, 2020 13:22

For me, drawing things is pretty hit and miss. The hits are starred. I try to update this list as continuously as I can, but sometimes there are gaps. Everything can be found under the 'art yo' tag however.

General note for this journal: Spoilers for any number of things are abounding, I'll try to warn in specific posts, but I can't make promises for comments.

Every day is lurking amnesty day, comment if you want, when you want, never comment at all, I totally understand, I was a lurker for years. That having been said, I love hearing what people have to say, so go right ahead. Talk about everything, anything.

This is the list of art I have done so far, separated by fandom. Links are in the title which are in bold turquoise.

The ratings and such are pretty self explanatory, but do ask if in doubt.

Deanna. Milla Jovovich as Girl!Dean | PG, guns *

Smoke. Castiel, Dean and Sam smoking. | G

Cuban Comforts Smoking!Castiel *
Cold Winter Mornings Smoking!Dean *
Rebel Haze Smoking!Sam

Soulless. Deanna with Robo!Sam | PG, non explicit nudity

Dead Weight . The heart is heavy; in fact everything in this body seems to weigh him down. Castiel has no need for anchors - he’s a creature of flight. Jimmy won’t mind, he can always find him new  lungs later. | R, gore, blood, self- harm, *

Dream On.  Sam's living the perfect life:  He's safe, he's with his brother, he has his soul back, there are no big bad's to fight etc. He's happy. He's free. It seems too good be to be true. And it is. In hell Sam keeps dreaming he's out only to be repeatedly torn from his dreams to face the reality that he's still in the cage. | PG- 13, very mild gore, implied torture, fire

Angel. Pencil sketches of Castiel and a charcoal drawing of Anna falling. | G

Brothers. Rough doodle of Sam and Dean. | G

The Heart I Gave to You. Everything changes. True love doesn't mean happily ever after. Dean/Castiel. | G

Little Amazon Woman. 'Little amazon woman who dared to want the world. Maybe some day the world will be brave enough to want her back'. Girl!Sam.Title and quote from twoskeletons's brilliant 'All That Glitters'  | G  *

Summertime Between Hunts. John takes the boys to the beach one summer. Wee!chesters. Watercolour on paper. | G*

Seafaring Man. Dean gets a sailboat. | G

Without A Map  Art for twoskeletons and jaimeykay's fantastic 'Without a Map'. DCBB '11. Dean knows a thing or two about absent fathers, but he didn’t expect Castiel to ask him if he wanted to come along on the search for God. He also didn’t expect to say yes. Cue the two of them going around the world, from mountain peaks to bustling cities to subterranean caverns. They talk with prophets, angels, and deities, but they are running out of leads and running out of time. As the dead ends and red herrings pile up, so do their frustrations, testing their faith in each other and themselves. |  Various ratings

The People. OC portraits of Marisol, a a convenience store owning prophetess missing her god, Pele, a fiery hawaiian goddess, Sergei, and Nikolay, two Antartican priests, each with own quirk, Yofiel, an angel of the Lord, and last, but most certainly not least, Aphrodite, a greek goddess with an inexplicable love for a certain baseball team.  * | PG

The Places. Various banners of the places Dean and Cas visit on their journey. Manila, Bandung, Costa Ricaa, Hong Kong, Mexico, Capri, Antartica, China, Italy, Space and where it all begins: Kansas.* | G

The Stories. Dean and Cas. On the beach. In Antartica. Some groping. A bonus ifrit.* | G
Twelve Days of Christmas. This turned out to be more like 3 days of Christmas. Oh well. | G

A Very Winchester Christmas. Wee!chesters decorate a tree. | G
Soul Sister. Girl!Castiel. | G
Mr &Mrs Sharma. Cas and Kalinda. SPN/TGW crossover. | G
Sharp Dressed Man. 1940s-esque Dean, pin stripes and all. * | G

Imagine Surrender. Anna, world-wearied but still fighting.| G*

White Collar

Neal and Alex. Neal and Alex, from the Season 2 finale. | G *

Sara Ellis. A portrait of Sara. | G


Nikita. A portrait of Nikita. | G

The Good Wife

Kalinda.  A portrait of Kalinda. | G *

Twelve Days of Christmas. This turned out to be more like 3 days of Christmas. Oh well. | G

Mr &Mrs Sharma. Cas and Kalinda. SPN/TGW crossover. | G


She Will Be Loved. A portrait of Alisha | G *

Original Art

Beaches.  A set of four acrylic paintings of Puri Beach in India. | G *

Desert Sky. The desert at nighttime. Acrylic on board. | G*

Along Every Horizon. The Arizona desert inspired by twoskeletons ' s 'Along Every Horizon' | G *

By the Sea. Scene from the English coast. Brush, pen and ink on board, some digital work. | G*

Masks.  A bit of 'art-noveau meets pop art' loud brassy fun. | G

Ter racotta. Portrait of a woman in oranges and reds. Acrylic on board, some digital work. | G

Pretty in Pink. Portrait of a woman. | G*

Wildfire. Abstract. Acrylic on board. | G*

Rainy Day. Landscape in the rain. Watercolour and inks on board. | G*

Portrait of a Woman. Inks on board. | G

Black and White. Acrylics and watercolour on board | G*

Yellow Chrysanthemums. Acrylics watercolour on board, still life | G*

Yellow Chrysanthemums II. Acrylics and watercolour on board, still life | G

I'm not a writer that's my very first disclaimer but sometimes I dabble in stories. Links are in bold turquoise.

Harry Potter

And Infinity Stretches On .   The could've beens and the would'v e beens blur into each other, places, words spilling until everything is interchangeable and everything hurts. Lily Luna/Teddy Lupin. | PG 13, implied sexual situation, language *

Our Time Now. What happened, on the day you were not saved? That was the day you saved yourself. Lily finds her own destiny, away from magic, away from the Potter fame. And there's Teddy. | PG 13, language.

Burns & Calluses. Hermione walks away from painful memories, Charlie goes through heartbreak. They're there for each other. No one says anything about love or forever. |  PG 13 sexual references, language *

For the Sins of the Father. Scorpius' childhood is far from idyllic. Trapped by a father who is by turns charismatic and terrorising and subdued by a mother who is desperately in love and hopelessly, painfully in denial, Scorpius struggles to understand what is right and what is good. When he's kidnapped for ransom by a tortured woman hunting for her father's killers, he is forced to confront his Malfoy identity. |  15 child abuse, language, mentions of torture, general boy in the striped pyjamas-esque things *


Words.   Circumstance made a warrior of Castiel, his strength is in his words. Castiel, the words he forgets, the ones he teaches, the ones he learns and the ones he makes.  Castiel, Balthazar. | G *

All About August
I'm a student, this hournal is mostly for TV squee, art and whatever else takes my fancy,

On Friending & Commenting

I love new friends. The only thing I ask if you want to friend me is that you say you're doing so on an entry, no need to ask permission or anything, go right ahead. I'll probably friend you back if  I've seen you around and I know we're interested in the same kind of things. If I don't friend you back immediately, please don't take it personally, I probably forgot or want to get to know you a bit better.

If I've friended you and you don't know who the hell I am, then my bad. I'll have dropped you a line somewhere though, most probably. You absolutely don't have to friend back immediately (or at all), I've only friended you because I think you're pretty awesome and don't want to miss any of your posts.

I don't generally defriend, but if you want to, then that's okay, I won't take it personally just PM me and it's all cool.

On Con-crit and Correcting Me

Like most people in fandom, I'm here because I love being creative. Also like most people who post their own creative work on LJ ( I imagine), I'm here because I want to improve my art, my writing. Constructive- criticism is the best thing you could give me, I love compliments, who doesn't want to hear that their work is beautiful or powerful? But the fact that someone I've never met would take the time to help me improve my work, grow as an artist is incredibly moving. Please don't hesitate to point out something that would make the piece stronger. No matter how trivial it might seem, odd colour, strange squiggle in the corner, the nose is off, anything is helpful and I want to hear it. If you feel awkward saying it in the comments then you can PM me.

Even if it's not something I've created, if I haven't acknowledged someone's work or anything else, just tell me. I will change it ASAP.

doodles, the good wife, nikita, lovely flisty of awesomeness, art yo, friending et cetera, masterpost of all things, things i draw, art, white collar, stories i write, procrastinating again, fanfic, me me me, teddy/lily, introduction, drawing things isn't actually work, original art, supernatural art

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