SPN Art: Soulless (Deanna/Robo!Sam)

Apr 05, 2011 20:32

So, this turned out different. But, as promised, Deanna/Robo!Sam in for Tuesday (just)--

Must be all the sharp_teeth work I've been doing, because this turned into something sinister when I wasn't looking.

I tried to make it delicate and pretty, I really did, but what can I say? Evidently Robo!Sam doesn't do pretty, or delicate.

If your're all 'wtf is up with the colours, this isn't what August usually does?' then I'm right there with you and considering this is what it started out like-

It has really mutated.

Idk, I quite like the dark, moody colours though. Some of you might have noticed that I was playing around with the runny paint effect on my sharp_teeth and I really wanted to up that a level on this. All a bit experimental, really, though, my first time playing with the watercolour brushes on Painter.

Speaking of, done with Painter 11, no Photoshop, it took about four hours to get from the original preview I posted a couple of days ago to this. A lot of layers as well, you might not be able to see it in the finished image ( except maybe on Sam's back) but there was a lot of heavy graphite pencil work, then tinting, then watercolour, then the heavy acrylic lines.

More than ever, I really want you guys to hit me with the con-crit. But of course compliments are awesome too. ; )

If you want to know what I'm up to next art wise then I have a shiny new prompt list where you can see the stuff I have going on in my WIPs folder and give me prompts!

P.S.  Ash, I'm sooo sorry, I'll get on the sharp_teeth art for you post haste, just needed to get this out of the way! <3

art, sam and dean, that show with the brothers, deanna, art yo, prompts make the rocking world go round, drawing things isn't actually work, robo!sam ilusfm you creepy little bugger, bamf ladies, scariness, supernatural art

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