SPN Art- Deanna Winchester (for smilla02 ♥)

Mar 27, 2011 20:19

The lovely smilla02  wanted Milla Jovovich as girl!Dean, and how could I resist? I was going to do this in June, but I was collecting screencaps for reference yesterday in a spare moment, and I couldn't stop myself- so Physics revision be damned, this is what I did with  my Sunday---

I really hope you like it, Smilla! *is nervous* :s  Let me know if you want anything changed! Also thank you for the awesome prompt- Milla Jovovich will forever be girl!Dean now! :) ♥♥

I debated whether to put Sammy in thereas well, standing next to Deanna, but in the end I settled for the necklace, so he's there in spirit, at least.  I totally plan on doing another girl!Dean with Sam, I'm thinking something de-aged, I've been looking at some After School Special screencaps which look very promising.

This piece is the roughest of the art that I've done but I think it's fast becoming my favourite, it's SPN, that helps, Show will always be my forever girl and there is nothing that I love more than switching stuff up, and girl!Winchester is probably one of my favourites to read as well as to draw.

I thought about using Dean's leather jacket for this, but it didn't seem to fit with the image, so this is his green (teal?)jacket, except sleeveless and frayed because well, just because girl!Dean is sexy enough to get away with it (or, I just wanted to draw Milla's arm)! I've been thinking about this and I've decided, not only is this girl!Dean, it's futuregirl!Dean, hence the holster and the arm thing. And yes, girl!Dean wears scruffy purple nail varnish, you know it.  :D

Done with Painter 11- no Photoshop (alas).

I was going to post, but then I thought to myself, why stop here, why not procrastinate some more?

So this happened-

Feel free to snag any of these and turn into a icon or something else, but comment if you do! Also, let me know if you want a different crop or different text on any of these(in any specific font, or general idea of a font like 'handwriting' or 'typewriter'), I shall be glad to provide!

I'm still taking requests -so let me know in the comments!

What else- oh yeah, because apparently  I haven't done enough self pimping for a day-

I'm offering digital art here at help_japan. Bidding ends on the 31st !

Comments are like double rainbows contained within a comment box, so please indulge the artist! Con-crit is very welcome.

I almost forgot- click the images to make them super big, the first one especially is more than large enough to be a wallpaper - 3000 by 2000 I think.

art, aus are like canon but with double rainb, epic show is epic, wallpaper, milla jovovich, procrastinating again, banners, art yo, bases for icons, drawing things isn't actually work, for smilla02, bamf ladies, snaggables, supernatural art, girl!dean

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