I bring you Nikita art, about four days behind schedule because the hair refused to be cooperative, then yesterday, I just gave up and thought well If it wants to be like that, it will be. Not perhaps the best attitude on life, but certainly the easiest. :)
I decided to do something with that shaft of light that they're so fond of using on Nikita, the real thing on screen looks infinitely better, but c'est la vie, really.
Done with Corel Painter 11- various brushes, acrylic, mostly but I think there was some charcoal and sponges thrown in for good measure.
It kinda got darker when I playing around the saturation and brightness/contrast and I being the clever, clever person that I am saved instead of 'save as' so there was no tunring back... On the other hand, the grey on the far right turned into quite a ghostly blue which I'm quite pleased about ,so not a total loss!
So, I'm was playing around with overlays (my next love after inks and brown paper) and this kinda created itself, thoughts, comments, improvements are much appreciated! Yay or nay?
help_japan is awesome, and there are wonderful people offering their words/art/other things that will really help a truly inspirational nation to start recovering from a what can only be described as a tragedy. So, please bid as little, or as much as you like on something over there, as Tesco is only too fond of saying; 'every little helps'. (Bidding ends on the 26th)
I'm offering digital art (a landscape or fan art of your choice- including Nikita, White Collar and SPN)
here Comments are to me what Sam is to Dean, ie, love, love, love....so please indulge the artist! :)