Misfits Art: She Will Be Loved

Feb 26, 2012 18:56

I started watching Misfits for the first time today. It's much, much bettner than I expected. I have fallen quite hard for Alisha. She is beautiful, adorable and awesome in so many different ways.

So I drew this:

(click to view full size)

I think this is the longest i've spent on a drawing for absolutely ages, it started of as a quick sketch for my own amusement but she demanded to be drawn properly.

Drawn in Painter 11 with various brushes and blenders (and using a screencap as reference) and some texture/filter work in CS4. In total, this took very nearly 7 hours. Frankly, I'm a bit O__O at that. It's weird. I never have enough patience for that sort of thing.

And because I love her so, here, have an icon:

I would love to have con crit!

misfits, alisha bailey, portraiture, art yo

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