Random post is random

Feb 13, 2012 13:57

I was clearing out some old things yesterday and found some of my old latin stuff. I keep re-reading all about Verres' various art crimes and shenanigans with Rubrius and Philodamus (and boiling water). Sometimes I miss Cicero.

Finally watched Tinker Tailor. Absolutely loved it. Waited for what seemed like millenia to get a five second glimpse of Benedict in the BAFTAs video reel. It was a generally disappointing night, Stephen's hosting was a high point.

Can't stop listening to this:

I just love how sumptuous it sounds, and Julio Iglesias' voice is a dream. It really made the ending of Tinker Tailor what it was, breathtakingly gorgeous.

I broke out my new Winsor & Newton watercolours yesterday. There's particularly wonderful yellow that I was dying to use, ended up painting a almost completely yellow canvas (photographic evidence commencing). I'm really quite pleased with it, it has impressionistic leanings that kind of snuck up on me. :)

rl, randomness

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