Original Art: Desert Sky

May 18, 2011 10:22

Just posting this before I go off and do another exam *le sigh*.

I managed to get my scanner working again which is a \o/ , but it's still pretty shit so the quality isn't great, God I wish there was something that allowed me to beam the actual thing to you guys 'cause the texture's the best bit, really. Apparently, some exceeding clever people are building an artificial nose that theoretcially allows people to smell stuff sent  through digital medium at the Imperial College, that's pretty neat. But I digress-

Yeah, so this done on board with runny acrylics. Basically it's me trying  to do something in the style of Anna Bjerger who does amazing things like this:

and on whom I have a major art crush. IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL. GAH. As you can probably see, the whole trying to be her thing is a work in progress. Using drippy paint is bloody hard.

Comments, con-crit, especially con-crit are very welcome!

lanscapes, anna bjerger, desert, drippy paint, original art, art yo

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