Oct 12, 2006 01:12
hm. i suck at school and im finally realizing it. :[
i dont like it. I need a break.
i did, however.. go tanning after class. today, i didnt even take a nap. :]
& then my dad gave me 100$ and i went shopping, since the powderpuff game was cancelled. :]
now, im watching the tiger's and angelos in my bed.. he thinks hes sleeping w/ me tonight.
haha. :]
tomorrow, i have to work in the morning and then probably nothing at all.. all night. :X
i wanna go to the club!
friday, i have the whole day off.. & brian has to work all day. :[:[
i need to go on vacation.
& someone should buy me tickets to the pistons opening night gameee :-* thank you!
love you.