Oct 04, 2006 11:54
what a gloomy day. :[ its always rains or something when i have the day off. :/
I dont enjoy walking in the rain from class either. whatevv.
I have to take my brother to school in about 5 minutes, and i figured i'd waste time updating.
lets see, i hung out w/ michelle on monday. :] We went to target, office max and to petsmart and meijer. I ended up getting a hamster. haha. She dropped me off and than i went over brian's house until 1. I passed out shorty after.
Yesterday, i worked in the morning, ran around some more and than went to bri's games until 10:30. I came home, and than went to bed at 1.
today, class at 10 and than i picked up my brother at 11:30. Hes playing w/ the hamster. haha, he says he named it box? right. after i drop him off, im gonna take a nap and then im going to get my hair cut at 2:30. im cutting it off. like up to my shoulders. Its so boring anyway, hopefully this will look better. :] after, i have to go back to school until 6. I dont know what im doing after though, but who cares.. ill more than likely sit here all day/night again. maybe, ill clean my room.
tomorrow, i have to work at 5.
friday, same thing and than haunted house w/ brain?, brandy and matt and who ever else.
saturday, work 11-2 and than hanging out w/ ster<3
sunday, work at 5. blahh.
well, im leaving.