Thanks to
erinm_4600, I got sucked into the 3 Sentence Ficathon. I've posted maybe a half-dozen stories, and read many many more. Here's what I've got so far. Considering that the fandoms are wildly different, my general disclaimer applies to all: Only the words are mine, and that's probably up for philosophical debate.
Title: Gather
Fandom: Narnia
Character(s): Susan Pevensie
Prompt: Narnia, Susan Pevensie, home is where the heart is
For a long time after they're gone--and she's all alone--she doesn't belong anywhere to anyone or anything. She'd spent so many years giving herself to every passing, fleeting fancy and fad as if this were the last moment before the world went away, when she knew in her buried heart that truly this was a world of shadows and the real world waited elsewhere.
But alone now--all alone now--she goes gathering up what she's given away here and left behind there, until, finally, she's all gathered up again--vivid and bright and shining in her hands like nothing else in this world of shadows can. And when she embraces it, brings it closes, her missing self, she can see them; and knows she will see them again.
Title: Knit
Fandom: Leverage
Character(s): Nate, Parker
Prompt: Leverage, Nate & Parker, learning
"So this is what it's like to be a ______," they say of each other, think on each other, about each other, without ever saying a word to each other as each mission winds them more tightly together. Talking to each other...that'd be too easy.
The rest of the team shake their heads, roll their eyes, eat dinner and go on.
Title: Pride
Fandom: Narnia
Character(s): Peter, Edmund
Prompt: Narnia, Edmund, underestimated
Peter is pushed back...and back...and back...and back...until he is on the ground in the training yard, redfaced and puffing, sword beyond his reach and more than ready to yield. But when Ed's hand reaches down to lift him onto his feet again, he's grinning and terribly proud. "When did you get so good?"
Title: Strange Sort of I Love You
Fandom: BtVS
Character(s): Willow, Oz
Prompt: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Oz/Willow, "you don't know how lovely you are"
Oz makes these kinds of extravagant compliments (You don't know how lovely you are kinds of compliments) so easily, and Willow, unused to many compliments at all, hardly ever knows how to reply without stumbling and fumbling and generally looking like she's head over heels in love with her boyfriend. Which she is.
But one time she says, "When you say stuff like that and you look at me like it's true, then I know it is," and Oz blushes.
Title: Indepence Often Requires Assistance
Fandom: The Avengers (MCU)
Character(s): Steve Rogers, Siri, Avengers team
Prompt: Avengers (MCU), Steve Rogers + Siri, Steve hasn't gotten over his culture shock just yet
The first time Steve presses the mystery button--not that he knows how he presses "the mystery button" which is why, in fact, it is a mystery--he drops the phone and cracks the screen.
It talked to him!
But after a heart to heart with JARVIS, much razzing from Tony, robust sympathy from Thor, and a calm tutorial from Bruce (Steve couldn't get Pepper to stop moving long enough, though she'd promised to show him the basics), he feels confident enough to ask Siri how to get to Shawarma on his own.