Title: Fourth Dimension
Author: Vashti (
Fandom: BtVS, Eureka
Characters: Jack Carter, Douglas Fargo, Oz, Buffy
Rating: G
Length: 200
tthdrabbles Challenge: #117, lost in translation
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the words, and that's up for philosophical debate.
Summary: Things are so not turning out the way Fargo wanted them to.
Notes: This is actually a sequel to an unpublished story for
tthdrabbles challenge #114. I think this stands on it's own well enough, just in case that first story never makes it out of my head.
Fourth Dimension
by Vashti
Carter bellied up to Cafe Diem’s bar, taking a seat beside Fargo looking forlorn with his head in his hand.
"Coffee, Sheriff?" Vincent asked.
"Double. Something’s wrong with S.A.R.A.H. and I am seriously deprived. Expect a cranky Head of GD Security soon."
Eyes wide, Vincent said, "Thanks for the warning."
Carter turned to Fargo. "What’s wrong with you?"
"Them." Fargo gestured to the rear of the restaurant.
"Um, who am I looking at and why?"
"Drs. Osbourne and Summers. Canoodling."
"You mean last week’s obsession?"
Fargo nodded, sighing heavily.
"Really, Fargo? Let it go. Just because they happen resemble--"
"Happen to resemble?!" Fargo leaned in close to hiss, "That is the Slayer. Somehow our time trip has ripped her from her universe and dropped her into ours."
"To which I say again, is that even possible?"
"Oh come on! So she’s working on archaic weaponry and he’s exploring a sound waves wild animal control...thing..." Carter held up his hands. "Even if we did... rip them from their universe on our television screens into this one, there’s nothing we can do about it. We can’t get back."
"But I don’t ship Buffy/Oz!" Fargo dropped his head into his arms.