Title: (Untitled)
Series: Long Way Down
Author: Vashti (
Fandom: BtVS/Tin Man
Character(s): DG, Tutor, Jeb Cain, Oz
Rating: G
Summary: The Princess' companion smells funny to Tutor.
Length: 200 words
tthdrabbles Prompt: #114, dance
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the words, and that's probably up for philosophical debate.
Notes: Title ideas anyone? Because I'm out, except for things that are painfully cliched.
by Vashti
Tutor sidled up to Jeb Cain, decked out in his regimental best. "You don’t happen to know who’s dancing with Princess DG, do you?"
"And hello to you, too," Jeb replied, crossing his arms over his chest.
Jeb smiled. "He’s the Slipper from over the rainbow . I’m surprised you haven’t met him. He’s been a guest of the Crown until they can figure out how to send him back."
"It’s different coming over the rainbow," Tutor agreed. "But who is he?"
"Why do you want to know? You haven’t been introduced?"
"I’ve been on a diplomatic mission to the Kingdom of Ix. I’m just back today. As to why..." Tutor took a deep breath, the gesture bringing his age to bear. "He smells like a shapeshifter."
"I didn’t think know the Other Side had shapeshifters." Jeb grinned. "I wonder what breed of dog he is."
"Something big. Wild."
"Mastiff? Wolfdog?"
Tutor turned serious eyes on Jeb. "Bigger. Wilder"
"Than a Wolfdog?" As he was speaking, DG and the stranger twirled past. Laughing, the princess didn’t notice them, but her companion did. He acknowledged them both with a sharp nod.
"How wild?" Jeb asked.
"I’ll find my father."