Title: Letter Read
Author: Vashti
Fandom: Tin Man
Character(s): DG, Cain, mentions of everyone, OCs
Rating: PG
Summary: In a distant future, all that will be left for one of Queen Dorothigale's descendants are letters read.
Length: ~1,400 words
Disclaimer: I don't know you. You don't know me. Let's keep it that way. The title is from
Rachael Yamagata's song, "Letter Read." The idea that "Dorothigale" is long for DG is from
chibi_kazAuthor's Notes: This is a work in progress. I have a vague idea of where it's going (always essential to one of my stories) but I don't know how or when or how fast it's going to get there. If for some strange reason you happen to like, please feel free to poke me at will if/when I slow down. Please also feel free to spot-beta as need be. And if it starts getting scary you can even suggest I get an actual beta. meep!
AN2: "Annual" numbers correspond to years since the Cains left the service of the royal family.
AN3: My continued thanks to everyone on
ohzeebooks. Your comments will be helping for far into the future :D
Chapter 1: Annual One: January to March,
March to April,
May to June,
July to September,
November to DecemberInterlude: Big Purple Eyes Chapter 2: Annual Two: January,
January to February,
April to May Chapter 2: Annual Two: May to June
May 15
Dear Mr. Cain,
Tell Carl and Leanne that my thoughts and prayers are with them. Or maybe not since they don't know about Leanne's condition. Whatever you think is best. I know childbirth is really dangerous. It was still the number 1 killer of women on the Other Side the last time I heard the statistics a few years ago.
It seems silly now to talk about the first few balls of the season, so I won't. Next letter, maybe.
Thank you for letting me know what's going on.
May 17
By the time you get this we'll be on our way to Finaqua for the Summer. It still seems silly to talk about the Spring balls. Having them at all honestly seems silly these days. Not in the way I always complain about these things. It's not having to dress up, or feeling like I'm being paraded around, or wondering if I'm going to inadvertently say something stupid that's going to end up in the paper tomorrow. Anyway, I'm a lot better than I was that first year so it's not even as big a concern. (Dare I say I'm comfortable? Az and I were talking about it one morning after breakfast and before my History lesson. She was the one who accused me of finally starting to feel like I belong. I accused her of being a big fat liar. She accused me of calling her fat, then it all went downhill. It was fun.)
I guess I'm becoming more sensitive to the OZ's needs. All the food we're going to have? Largely wasted. My dress and all the other new clothes everyone's having made? The OZ has orphanages overflowing with kids who probably haven't had new, unworn clothes since the war started. And the musicians and staff working the balls?
Okay, I haven't actually figured out something better and less selfish they could be doing that would both benefit the most people without, y'know, making the musicians/castle staff beggars. But I bet there's something! And I know the food at the ball won't actually go to waste. You only think you've had leftovers until you're eating pancakes with swan sausage for breakfast, swan and swiss sandwiches for lunch with a side of crystallized rose petal salad, and swan noodle soup for dinner. I really wish I hadn't asked what that bird was. Anyway...
My point is not that our chefs can make any random food interesting for several days after it's first table appearance, but that they shouldn't have to. Maybe it's the Other Side American in me, but it just feels like an extravagant waste of time, funds and resources. To me it's not a show of strength, power and wealth, no matter what Tutor tells me. And Az. And the robo-rents. And half of everyone I've even obliquely asked. Which is why I'm not asking you, Mr. Cain. I'm stating my position and you're just going to have to live with it.
I don't know whether to applaud your concern for your subjects and disgust at royal excesses, or duck and hide. Until the Sorceress, no one much minded the Monarchy. Most folk loved the House of Gale and its daughters right where they were. I don't know how much Outer Zone history you've studied with Tutor, but you'll see we've had our good Queens and our bad ones, even a King or two, though that never lasted. Somehow, the OZ always stood fast. Something or someone better always came along, or there was a fortunate death. The OZ hadn't suffered like it did under the Sorceress in more than a thousand years. I'm sorry to tell you, kid, but the people like having a Queen and everything that comes with it. They may grumble and gripe now, but history's proved they'll change their minds soon enough. But will you. Your Kansas is a city-state in Amrika, with a Prime Minister? Thumbumbu to the South have a Prime Minister. Watch out for him. He may be married but he's got a wandering eye to go with a pair of wandering hands.
Did Shane and Terry ever get the manual I sent them? I haven't heard back.
May 20
Dear Mr. Cain
Sorry about the last letter. I don't even know if you've gotten it yet, but I just went back to my stationary set for the first time since I writing it and there's ink splattered all around the marble inkwell, and I can half read my letter to you three sheets down. That's how hard I was pressing. And the ink bled through in places, which I thought I'd gotten past doing. An angry DG is a messy DG, apparently. Where's Tim Gunn to tell you to get out of your head when you need him?
Anyway...I guess we'll see what you letter says.
Sincerely embarrassed,
June 8
Dear Mr. Cain,
Thank you for not raking me over the coals. You're making it hard to return the favor, though. No Cains are coming to Finaqua for any of the balls? No fair, I say, no fair. I know I said I was all excited to have a honorary-niece or -nephew, but this kid is putting a serious cramp in my plans. Okay, I know he or she will be more than worth it, and I can't wait to have wiggly baby to spoil rotten (and, omigosh, mental pictures of Jeb holding his son or daughter? Awesome!) but right now the prenatal version of the Cain men is a bit of a pain. World's cutest pain, I'm sure, but a pain. And don't worry, I've already vented plenty of spleen to Amelie. She vented right back.
"You're mad because we can't come for the Spring Balls? I can't even see my feet, let alone dance on them. Oh, and let's not get into how swollen they are. Plus I'm red and splotchy and I have to pee all the frickin' time." So Ami kinda won hands down, and probably will continue to do so until Baby Cain is in University or married, whichever comes first.
Speaking of University, the University of the OZ, Central Campus, is having their first graduation since they shut down during the war. Glitch's office sent a memo -- I should say Ambrose's office since it came from the Office of the Adviser and not the lab. I wonder how long he can keep juggling both roles. I know Glitch picked up more duties and responsibilities as the war really got going and we started losing people, but it seems like no one's told him he can let some of them go. Anyway, Ambrose's office sent a memo about the graduation about two weeks ago and I thought it was a typo. The University reopened last year, shouldn't they have also had a graduation? Actually, they technically opened two years ago since academic years are weird (even weirder than on the Other Side, which is saying a lot I think), but decided to make all returning students retake a year. I kinda see the logic, but I also feel bad for all those kids and their parents. Someone from the monarchy sits on their Board (it's bad that I can't remember whether we have a minister of education, isn't it?) so it's gotten the royal okay. Still, though...
Anyway, we leave for Finaqua this week, and the graduation is the Monday after. Mother's speaking, and I want to go with her. You know I'm technically a college drop-out. I never did finish on the Other Side. I wonder if it will be weird being on a campus again, or really familiar. Or maybe too weird to connect to at all, since the entire OZ seems stuck in the 40s. Don't get me wrong, it was a really fashionable time, but sometimes I want to wear trousers that sit on my hip-bones, not my rib-cage. And I look better with lower-waisted slacks. It's Az that got the sexy hourglass figure. I'll be doing my impression of a bean pole for the rest of my life, at least let me accentuate what few bean-bump-curves I have.
So, University set in the 40s...there will be women there, right? Just because you like pearls and gloves and for guys to wear real hats doesn't mean you believe in women not getting a degree, right? One doesn't just, y'know, follow the other, right? The OZ has a Queen after all.
Okay, I think I just talked myself onto and then off of a cliff. It's time to sleep. Night Mr. Cain.
AN4: I have to apologize to you all. I was under the impression that I'd written a lot less than I had, and so was waiting for the muse to give me an August entry. Then I needed to see exactly where I was with this thing, and what I needed to update from my phone (where I'd taken to writing letters)...only to realize I sorta had tons written! So, again, sorry!