Oct 17, 2007 15:03
Mommy survey and an update...
First, the survey...
1. How long have you been a Mom?
15 weeks or so. Since July 2 if you count birth-day, since Nov. 4 of last year if you count conception.
2. How many children call you Mommy/Mom/Mama?:
Well, I get called "Waaaaah" but I guess that's close enough. By just one.
3. Girl? Boy? or both?
4. Did you know what you were having?
5. How old were you when you became a Mom?
6. How long were you in labor?
From water breaking til birth...77 hours. Actual hard labor after they decided to move things along that I actually felt? 18 or so. Pushes? 10.
8. What was your least favorite thing about labor?
the fact that it was 6 weeks too early, her lungs were most likely not developed, and the pitocin.
9. Do you want more kids?:
I miss being pregnant already. although we should probably wait until we have a house.
10. Do you plan on having more soon?:
As soon as we have a house and this one is off formula.
11. Does daddy change diapers?
Yes, very well.
12. How many times have you been peed on?:
Only once.
13. Barfed on?:
TONS of spit up, no actual barf.
14. Is your child named after anyone?
No, but everyone seems to think so.
15. How did you come up with their name(s)?
My middle name + his favorite aunt's middle name. it sounded good.
16. When your child(ren) gets in trouble, who is the bad guy?
Havent got to that point yet but probably me
17. And who is the good guy?
My husband
18. What is the longest you have been away from your child(ren)?
About 8 hours so far.
19. Kids bedtime routine?
Sits in bouncy chair while we eat, then she gets a bath, a bottle, 2 stories (if she makes it that far) and then to bed by nine.
20. Are your toes painted?
No. What a strange question. Although I do like being able to see them again.
21. Last movie you saw in the theater?
Batman Begins
22. Last time you had a date?
a few weeks ago. we tried to go mini-golfing but the stupid place closed early.
23. One thing you will not give up just because you are a mom?
Reading. Most of my friends claim they have no time to read now that they have kids. I just read instead of watching junk on TV
24. One thing you did give up now that you're a mom?
At the moment, our own place. That's not permanent though.
25. Best Mom you know?
Ooh, that's a tough one. All moms are great.
Ellie has started sleeping through the night. This is sudden and wonderful, but scares the crap out of me all the time. I wake up at 4 or 5 and panic, thinking, "OMG, she isn't awake, something must be wrong." So I rush in there, to find her peacefully sleeping in some weird position (my favorite being Yoga Baby). I'll get over that eventually, I think.
I'm looking for a job now that she's sleeping better. I need to get out of the house, and my MIL is driving me nuts on Wednesdays. Plus, we can't afford a house if I am NOT working, so I'd better get on that.
How is my MIL driving me nuts? She watches my nephew on Wednesdays. That's fine. Except that she doesn't. Watch him, that is. She takes him with her on errands in the morning, then comes home, feeds him lunch, and then LEAVES THE HOUSE without asking me if I mind watching him. Granted, she usually at least puts him down for nap before she leaves, and I usually don't mind watching him. It's just that she assumes that I'll be there so she can go off to run around shopping for nothing in particular, like last week it was to a nursery going out of business, the grocery store, and Fashion Bug. He only sleeps for about 45 minutes at their house because my FIL comes home and is as quiet as...well, he's really really loud. He's got some hearing issues that he refuses to address, and uses his time when he gets home to make phone calls. My nephew hears him and so we hear him on the monitor calling for his grampa.
And then when she DOES get home, she lets him run around, assuming I'll watch him. Drives me nuts. Especially since then I have to be the "bad guy" and tell him "No" when he wants to do something dangerous, and then he runs to her, whining. Of course, she always picks him up and makes a big deal when THAT happens, instead of ignoring it so the behavior (the one I said NO to) would stop...
Anyway, I hope you are all doing well.