egads, I think my little one is having her 6 week growth spurt, she is uber fussy today!
Anyway, an update:
Autumn is 6 weeks old! I can't believe it. I feel like I have a christmas present every day with her-except when she is super fussy and nothing I do makes her happy, but even then it is okay.
She sleeps very well through the night, but before that we spend time mellowing her out or trying to. She will spend several hours crying but then will eventually settle down to sleep. One thing that I think has helped is that we co-sleep. I never thought I would do that but it works. It also helps for nursing at night.
I worry that I don't have a routine for her sometimes, from other LJ's that I've read, people have bedtime routines, but I guess if what I am doing now works, I will stick with it. We don't give her a regular bath, just try to keep the evening mellow and take her to bed with us around 9/9:30. (Dave gets up at 5 so the earlier the better)
I love to see her smile and giggle, she does this mostly when she gets changed and it is just wonderful.
I've gone out more now on my own with her, something I was a little scared to do, everything just takes a little more time.
More pictures at: