One Month Update

Sep 13, 2007 11:11

The twins are one month and three days old today. It's been a rough start, but things are starting to get a little better.

Kyle had pink eye week #3, and it took us five days to get it cleared up. All is well with him at the moment, but he does get a little fussy from time to time as all babies do. Mason has been a bundle of issues that I think he's starting up a regular subscription! We are still dealing with his colic, the new formula and Levsin drops help, but he still has his moments. Hopefully this will disappear within the next two months. Then he was starting to take about an hour to feed, and even then he was only eating about 2.5 oz. Apparently he didn't like the nipple because I went out and bought a few new and different ones, and he goes to town on the Muchkin's Tri-Flow on the slow setting, finishing 4 oz in about 30 minutes.

Troubleshooting kids is tricky business.

Now on with the pictures -- Mason & Kyle

pink eye, medicine, update, feeding, fussiness, colic, photos

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