
Jan 01, 2011 00:00

OOC Information:

Name/Alias: Harley.
Age: 24.
E-Mail//MSN//AIM: e-mail; rifleskind(at)gmail.com. plurk; gnostic.
Personal LJ: grimtricks!
How did you hear about Badfic? The Homestuck cast!

IC Information:

Character Name: Rose Lalonde.
Name that appears on plaque: Flighty Broad.
Character Journal: augured.
Canon: MS Paint Adventures: Homestuck.
Point in Canon: End of [S] Cascade.
Age: Thirteen.
Birthday: December 4th, 1995.
Appearance: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

If you're looking for a girl who is physically average for her age, you really need not look much further than Rose Lalonde. Gaining close to an average height, she really doesn't fall much shorter than her ectobiological sibling, Dave, standing at a close 5'3". Delicate is certainly a fitting word for her, as she's actually quite thin in addition to her smaller stature. Matching her sibling, again, her hair is blonde and kept quite short and neat, often found wearing a hairband with every outfit she owns. While not noticeable in any linked image, Rose has lavender eyes that match the font color that she types with, as is a trend with the other kids as well.

Rose plays violin and, thus, keeps her nails trimmed down quite far. She also often defaces her clothing, as seen with her once-squiddle-turned-horrorterror shirt that she wears for the great majority of the beginning of the series. Rose does, however, have a personal sense of style and often wears things that suite her and are aesthetically pleasing, albeit with a gothic twist on most of them. Her tendency to wear black lipstick with every outfit she has coincides with that trend as well. In all reality, she's really quite simplistic when it comes to physical points and fashion choices.

Abilities: While it can be said that Rose is more than capable in battle, being able to take out a rather large ogre with only a pair of knitting needles, her abilities really speak for what she is truly capable of.FETCH MODUS: Presumably everyone in the series of Homestuck is provided with a Sylladex; with it, they are able to keep a certain inventory on their person at all times. A Fetch Modus contains two things: a Sylladex and accompanying Captchalogue Cards. The cards are used in conjunction with the Sylladex, and they function together as a Fetch Modus for inventory. Each Fetch Modus varies, and no two people seem to ever have the same one. Rose's Fetch Modus functions as a 'tree'. The first item that is 'Captchalogued' (placed in a card for inventory) becomes the Root Card, and any item picked up after that becomes a branch. Cards can extend through branches and eventually become leaf cards. However, this Fetch Modus is rather inconvenient, for if you remove the Root Card, or a main branch, the remainder of your inventory is removed from its cards.

A more in-depth explanation of Rose's Fetch Modus can be found here.

STRIFE SPECIBI: As with the Fetch Modus, each person also has a Strife Specibi; their associated weapon. They begin with a base weapon that can be built upon and alchemized into more powerful weapons as the game progresses. Rose's beginning Strife Specibi are her knitting needles, which then become Needlekind. All weapons she receives after that are based off of those initial needles. While her current Needlekind is unknown, all of them can be found here for specific information with each Needlekind type.

GRIMDARK: After 'going Grimdark', Rose seemed to be infused with a number of remarkable things. Not only does her physical appearance change, her skin taking on a dark grey color, but she also gains a few questionable abilities. One is that she is able to seemingly suspend herself with the assistance of the darkness that causes the grimdark; it can also be assumed she's able to move and travel using the same darkness. She also loses the ability to speak in English, and instead speaks in "gobbly gook" when meeting John for the first time. Her abilities with her Strife Specibi also seem to become amplified as well because of the grimdark; she faces off with Bec Noir and while she loses, she does hold her own and causes a rather large explosion in her fight with him.

SEER OF LIGHT: While Rose's abilities as the Seer of Light are not yet completely known, it can be assumed they are at least remotely the same as Terezi Pyrope. She is able to see the future in endless possibilities; she knows every possible future, every choice and its consequence, and every detail that a person could possibly need. There seems to be no limit to it, as far as what Doc Scratch mentions in these panels in regards to Terezi, another Seer.

Part of her ability as a Seer of Light is also being able to look into Doc Scratch's magic cue ball, which always reveals the truth to its user and can also predict the future rather accurately.

GOD TIER: In a generic sense, reaching the level of God Tier allows a certain few capabilities to be unlocked. As with Vriska and Aradia, it can be assumed that when one reaches god tier, they also realize the full potential of their titles, however that has yet to be seen with Rose and her god tier form. A god tier player is also invincible -- to a point. While someone who is at god tier can be killed, technically, they are revived shortly after their death. The only time one can permanently die is if the death is considered heroic or just; if they are, the god tiered individual will stay dead and will have no chance for revival.

Personality: => Enter Name.
While certainly a teenaged girl by all appearances, Flighty Broad Rose Lalonde is far from what a typical thirteen year old might encompass. One would expect a girl of her age to be excited for high school, fawning over boys (or, alternatively, girls), and focusing on which extra-curricular activity will be her main focus in the coming school year. Rose, however, is not typical in any sense.

While she is extremely private about not only herself in general, but more specifically her interests, it could still be said that her interests are what keep her separated from others in her age group. Although that isn't the only part of her that makes her such an individual, they are certainly part of it! Rose has a passion for the creative and seems to be exceedingly right-brain focused as far as her talents go. She is exceptionally passionate about both reading and writing, although her reading tends to be exceedingly more obscure than perhaps her writing might be. She has quite a penchant for writing 'wizard slash', but is a pass time that she tends to keep secret from others.

In the same vain, Rose also finds knitting to be a decent way to spend her time, and also is able to play the violin. Her lack of organization (shown in her room which is in complete disarray) is also something that is attributed to people who have a heavier focus on their right-brain, rather than the left.

Her interests, however, do not end there. If anything, those are more menial interests for her than what she truly focuses on. Rose finds an incredible amount of enjoyment in spending her time psycho-analyzing her friends and the people around her. She enjoys psychological books and picking apart the brains and dreams of the friends she has -- especially Dave, as his dreams tend to be the most bizarre and telling to what truly goes on in his mind. She also enjoys rather strange things; squiddles, Cthulhu, and other questionable beasts that appear in her bedroom, along with her grimoire.

Rose is, well, rather complex for her age, really.

Maybe you should get some trolling tips from us humans.
Our sparing intellects are probably better suited to it.
There is no space in her vocabulary for her to be anything but straight-forward. Rose doesn't sugar coat things, never dances around subjects; she's up front and will state things rather blatantly, regardless of subject matter. The only time she isn't up-front about a situation is when John comes to see her and their parents are dead -- however that is also possibly because she was unable to properly communicate in English at that point in time.

Any other situation, though, Rose is ever constant in her behavior. Stoic, stand-offish, and all together quite serious in most situations. She can be stern as an adult, and tends to be quite long-winded when speaking to others, heavily focusing on her word choices. Rose has a tendency to not only ramble forever, but to use rather pretentious diction while doing so. Another constant in her mannerisms, as far as interaction goes, is her constant ability to be extremely sarcastic. While she might not joke like the other kids occasionally do, she instead opts for sarcasm to seep into her communication with others.

She can also be called quite a bit of a perfectionist. Mostly for the mere fact that she types with perfect syntax and capitalization, and her word choices are incredibly ludicrous at some points.

I am currently scrawling notes furiously into one of the many psychoanalysis journals I maintain for you.
While intelligence is very clear when it comes to Rose, that doesn't always lend to being a good thing. It also means that she knows how to work people over to the best of her ability. A very simple example of this is when she does her best to pad Dave's ego in order to make him more amicable towards playing Sburb with her, only to turn around and tell John what an 'insufferable prick' he can be sometimes. While it is the total truth, of course, it's rather manipulative of her, in the end.

Her cynicism towards life and the people in it is not something to be underestimated. While it might be arguable that it's more realism than anything, her blatant disregard for anything that might be affection from her mother and writing it off as being passive aggressive means to irritate her say otherwise. Rose evidently has a huge issue with admitting that there might be sincerity in the kind actions of others; whether it is the possibility of her mother being interested in wizards or John sending her the means for learning to knit for her birthday, she has trouble distinguishing sincerity from emotional falsities.

If I could have chosen a method of sparing your life you might have found more awesome, I would.
Rose is exceptionally loyal to her friends and often has their best interests in mind. Even when making a plan that would ultimately end in her death, it is generally to simply further the game in order to have her friends remain alive and safe (in some manner). Despite her loyalty and the amount of concern and care she truly has for her friends, Rose also knows when to detach herself from others in order to accomplish what she needs to do. Means to an end, etc.

For example, when she really begins to hear the Horrorterrors, Rose often cuts conversation with her friends and distances herself from them in order to keep herself focused on the task at hand. However, part way through her slow downward spiral into her connection to the Horrorterrors, she begins to immerse herself in her relationships once again in order to retain some sense of normalcy, despite the awful situation, however the stress and pull of the Horrorterrors ultimately result in Rose 'going Grimdark', effectively detaching her almost completely from her friends.

However, after her death in her battle with Bec Noir, Rose's dream-self is revived, and she returns to normal, no lingering grimdark tendencies remaining. It's a good thing, really, as she's in the company of her ectobiological sibling, Dave Strider, who would likely not know what to do with someone who became grimdark.

She's rather close to her ecto-brother, closer than she is to any of her other inter-personal relationships (or, really, lack thereof). Rose even goes so far as to help him adjust to being revived and, despite his seemingly ardent behavior about being the one to set off the bomb, Rose actually knocks him unconscious instead so that she can be the one to go on the suicide mission. Dave tells her, flat out, TG: but i dont want you to die, and yet her only concern is to tell him that he needs to be the one to help John and Jade.

(However she does openly admit that 'some company' before it's all over would be nice.)

Her detachment from others is not entirely unprecedented, as evident with the relationship she has with her mother, which might more accurately be named the incredible lack of one. Rose often goes out of her way to avoid any and all contact with her mother, but the amount of love that Rose has for her is quite clear and obvious during [S] Seer: Descend, as her reaction to her mother being dead is entirely emotional. She immediately takes a battle stance, which only becomes that much more determined when John is killed by Bec.

While Rose might not particularly excel at building relationships with others that are functionally healthy on her end, she cares a great deal about the people in her life, despite having quite a bit of trouble showing it.

If there's one thing you and your friends regularly remind us, it's that time is not on our side.

As a person, Rose is constantly self-aware, especially when it comes to her choices, their consequences, and the mistakes that she makes. While she might not like to admit that she was incorrect or that her plans are, indeed, ridiculous and edging on martyrdom, she is at least incredibly aware of how she presents herself and the way she functions as a person. She realizes that her choices might not be the best for her but she's quite good at making sure they're the best for the team of kids as a whole.

Rose works best as an individual, really, and rather fails in the area of 'team-work', which the game seems to focus on in a large degree.

However, not including her reckless choices in forfeiting her life on more than one occasion in order to help those around her or avenge the ones she loves, Rose is beyond her years as far as maturity is concerned. She is able to face the game and the way it is broken without much apparent hesitance. If anything, she seeks out the parts that are the most damaged and furthers it by destroying those parts; mainly, though, her planet of Light and Rain. During that time, it's evident that Rose is very capable when it comes to battle, and fights off even the most horrendous of monsters with relative ease when using her Needlekind.

Even though her team work attitude needs quite a bit of work, she at least becomes more agreeable to Dave accompanying her near the end of the game in order to destroy their universes, explode The Tumor, and executing the suicide mission flawlessly. So as much as she had been determined to do it on her own, there are some things that even Rose Lalonde can't face alone. So Dave (and the bunny Liv Tyler) accompany her to the end; to the furthest ring of the universes.

There, she faces her death, with her only remaining family member at her side, appearing only mildly scared by what is about to happen.

A lot can be said for Rose as a person. How she's selfish sometimes, how she makes choices that will affect the entire game without consulting others, how she takes over and does exactly what she wants with no regard for what other people might have planned. It's true; all of it is. Rose is not always the smartest girl, doesn't always make the right choices, but everything that she does? She does it for the people that she cares about the most, ultimately. It would be scary, being thirteen and accepting your responsibilities as a player by planning the Scratch, and then setting off a gigantic bomb named The Tumor.

It would be terrifying to stand and face your death.

Despite all obstacles, despite the horrible choices, despite staring death in the face as it counts down on a timer, Rose is still just a thirteen-year-old girl who is doing her best to help her friends and fix everything that has gone wrong.

Psycho analyzing those around her.

Being blunt and up-front with people; not sugar-coating facts or truths.

Mature beyond her years.


Music; playing the violin, mostly.

Critical thinking and planning.

Keeping up a facade of bravery; whether in handling The Tumor by herself, facing her death with Dave, or facing Bec Noir with John dead beside her, Rose can keep her brave face on even at the worst of times.

Incredibly intelligent. Whether it's in plan she sorts out, the way she speaks, or how she is able to pick up on psycho-analyzing almost anyone, Rose is extremely bright for her age.

Battle capable -- she can hold her own in a fight, is agile enough to do absurd things like youth roll, and has fought off even the largest of enemies on her own.

Loyal to a fault. Even if she doesn't always communicate with her friends or let them in on her secret plans, she would do anything for them; even if it meant her death.

Comforting others.

Not well versed in social situations.

Her mother.

Ridiculously stubborn about things.

Not knowing how or when to ask for help; sometimes outright refusing to.

Quite cocky, thinking she has all the answers to everything in the world.

Her friends are a definite weakness. Together, they make her stronger, however her love and loyalty to them is an easy tactic to use against her in anything.

Knowing when to admit she's wrong.

Connecting with others on an emotional level. Rose keeps herself so guarded that she has trouble establishing connections on an interpersonal level. She can analyze others until the sun goes down, but opening up to someone else? Increasingly difficult.

Team-work. She's awful at it. Rose thinks that she has all the answers and can do everything on her own, so she often doesn't do that whole "working as a team" thing that the other kids excel at.

History: The MSPA wiki entries for Homestuck, Rose Lalonde.

First Person Sample: Upon first inspection, I anticipated this to possibly be the result of a whimsical fantasy in the form of a lucid dream, however I do fancy myself a touch more creative, albeit realistic, when it comes to dreaming. Also considering the fact I had not been asleep, but rather with a comrade of mine, that option is quite void at this point.

I had also considered the fact that it's quite possible this is the new world to which we were meant to arrive in. That, too, was ruled out by the fact that arriving already would be quite improbable, as we have not yet congregated together in order to make one movement to a new universe. It also stands to reason that if we had, all of my acquaintances would be in the immediate vicinity.

With both of those options being negated, I has also given thought to the possibility that this was some sort of inter-dimensional kidnapping. For which I might commend the person taking charge of this, except that they would have chosen a rather inopportune time to conduct a plan as exiguous as this. Although I realize that's a rather foolish hypothesis to have, given the circumstances surrounding our current situation.

Reason still stands that I would like a concise explanation as to my current location, why I am currently in my bedroom from a planet that is inexplicably destroyed, and who I speak to about returning to my last known location and time. The latter is infinitely more important than the former.

I would call my acquaintances by name, but I imagine the enticement of lavender text will be enough of an indication of my presence. And, should they be here, I assume they will attempt to contact me.

Third Person Sample: Dying a second time, Rose finds, is not as awful as she first thought it would be. While indefinitely terrifying, she realizes that the seconds ticking down on the clock were more excruciating than death itself. The entire thing is exceedingly morbid when she thinks about it, how easily she can regard her death and mortality -- although thinking of Dave's is another story entirely, and Rose realizes that it becomes a thought rather impossible for her to linger on. Her own death is one she had accepted long ago. Dave, however-

Waking up is even stranger, although starkly different than the first time. Coming back to life on Derse was nothing like resurrecting and ascending to God Tier, although marginally comparable in terms of the power serge when falling into grimdarkness. It's rather surreal.


She hadn't expected to wake up in her old room. Nostalgia at its finest, really, and Rose hadn't thought she would ever see it again. She's not entirely sure she wanted to, come to think of it. It seemed so long ago, living there, when it hadn't been that long at all. The game lasted a mere day, but it felt like so much longer in retrospect. Although she does realize that her perception of time would be incredibly skewed given the circumstances and the unbridled stress of the situation.

All things considered, there were worse places to wake up in, although she distinctly remembered the vibrant hue of the Green Sun and Dave by her side. The alarming realization that she was alone was enough to unnerve her beyond what she had been initially. Finding herself in an unsettling familiar place was bad enough, but doing so without anyone around was even more disturbing. Which meant only one thing, of course.

Locating Dave and, perhaps, Jade and John, would be her first priority. Discerning their location could place in a close second to that.

Links: Further information about God Tiers and Dream Selves, her introduction page in the series as well as her name page.

Notes: Nothing that I can think to note, no.

Bonus: Rose is literally my favorite character. She is complex and so very damaged and I love playing her and exploring her as a character. Putting her into different settings and seeing how it changes her is extremely appealing to me as an RPer, because we've seen how easily she adjusts to being a player in Sburb, but how is she going to adjust to other places? She is fascinating to me, as a character.

☀ ooc

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