Firstly, thank you so much to
cutting_rm_flr and
scullyseviltwin for the X-Mas goodness. Mallory and I loved the pressies. And late gifts don't bother me. As far as I am concerned, you extended our X-Mas season by a month, and you are both made of awesome!
I must also extend a hearty "Thanks!" to
ligaras for my virtual penguin. I have named him JP, and I promise I am taking good care of him.
Thanks also must go to
smacky30 for the gift certificate and to
dreams_of_him for her donation on my behalf. I feel so blessed to have friends like you.
Final thanks go to
puppypower76 for the British gelatin (it's just like American gelatin except that it jiggles on the left side of the road) and to
idreamedmusic for the gift that keeps on giving. *wink*
If I have forgotten to thank anyone, I hope they send me a hostile e-mail immediately, followed by an overnight package containing Africanized honeys bees with PMS.
Secondly, was me. I did it. I confess. And just so you know, a virtual Boxer was my accomplice. :B
Thirdly, today I decided that I am going to start posting random questions (nothing too personal) to try and get a know my LJ friends just a little better. If you don't wish to answer (but I hope you do), I can totally respect that. If anyone doesn't mind answering but would prefer that these particular entries be locked, please let me know. I'll lock 'em. I am just trying to have fun here. :D
Today's question is this: If you have a car, does it have any stickers, do-dads, antennae balls, etc?
As for yours truly, I drive a black 2008 Toyota Prius. It has a Chicago Cubs medallion on the back window, a little Cubs hat hanging from the rear-view mirror, and an Animal antennae ball (from the Muppets). Yeah. I am so very hip. LOL