Advocatus Diaboli - Codex

Apr 05, 2012 00:01

Places of Note

• Miracaia - City of Scholars and Historians, the Library Capital of Telos. Led by Artephius the Wise. 
• Rhodabaia - City of Clerics and Healers, the capital of Angluaron. Joint monarchy between Ellspeth the Gifted and Azael the Merciful.
• Angluaron - Nation of Secrets. Led by Loki the Unseen.
• Ordene - Nation of Fashion and Dark Magic. Led by The Triumvirate.
• Tharnis - Nation of Warriors. Led by Nicholas the Fortunate. 
• Mytavya - City of Art and Expression. Led by Babel the Beloved.
• Genetia - Nation of New Beginnings. Led by Titalia Pirascque.

Miracaia takes pride in its' deserts and library. It is the most traditional in terms of medicine and agriculture, a peaceful city that looks to confrontation as a last resort, located beyond the

Ambitious and wealthy Ordene is the single most powerful nation of demons in Telos. Currently ruled by King Beelzebub, Ordene embodies the spirit of "Better, Harder, Faster, Stronger." Ordene's borders once stretched as far as the desert city of Miracaia. Ordene has a large aristocracy famed for extravagance and luxury.

A notable characteristic of the aristocracy of Ordene is its' love for high fashion: both men and women wear cosmetics and clothes of various kinds, the subtle differences indicating social standing. In public, they are prone to wearing high-heeled boots: the higher the heel, the better the standing. The minimum heel is 2 inches, maximum being 10. In Ordene, a foreigner is instantly noticeable and its' people are wary of dealing with anyone not in boots: "One that does not know how to walk gracefully in high-heeled boots is not to be trusted." is a common code whispered between the locals.

Land is owned exclusively by aristocracy in Ordene. Power rests solely on the ruling King or Queen as in many countries in Telos, where power descends from the throne, unlike Genetia whose power derives from the support of the Court of Renaissance.

Nobles are often members of the Sirens, an organization dedicated to the art of murder and defense. They are the double-edged swords of Ordene: while they have a strict code of honor and the training is legendarily harsh, a Siren may choose, at his or her discretion to dispose of a noble or peasant that poses as a hindrance rather than an asset to the nation.

The capital city is Regrativa Eleiscruz, which boasts the University of Ordene - the oldest and widely-known university in Telos, attracting nobles far and wide with the best education one can buy. The University has liberal-minded and talented professors, who believe in results within reason. Competition is high for a slot in the University and while there is no expulsion there is an expiry date: Students that cannot fend for themselves often meet their end at the hands of bards and the occasional Angluan Snake. They have no patron god or goddess, and are proud of being an atheist university.

In the city of Myatvya, expression through creativity is key: any true Myatvian is sure to know at least one method of producing art or in the very least, expression through language. While not as well-known as the University of Ordene, the Myatvyan Colleges boast the best education in the fields of music, languages (both spoken and unspoken) and the arts. Their patron goddess is Persephone the Dreamer, who was said to dream each human to being. Babel the Beloved graduated from the Myatvian College of Language with a degree in Human and Demon Languages.

!advocatus diaboli, !codex

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