Jun 16, 2006 03:47
Holy crap.
The home-induced boredom has sent me looking through old files (since I am currently stuck on my parents' ancient computer...I'm talking really old, like 1997!). I found the Word file with my 11th grade online journal. Holy crap. (confidential to Tina: opendiary. Yeah, like I said, holy crap.)
It starts somewhere in October 2000 and ends in the beginning of February 2001 (though the last REAL entry is in late January...more on that later). It's weird, I was cringing at some parts because in some ways, I was such a stereotypical stupid sixteen-year-old girl, and in other ways, I have not changed at all. Like, I could have written some of the exact same sentences yesterday and still meant every word.
Some points of interest:
I still can't believe I didn't break up with Marc sooner. I mean, I always knew that, but I had forgotten some of the details.
There's a profanity-filled entry about how much we all hated Sabrina Barry and her mother. Her mother's dead now. Weird. (I felt a teensy bit bad reading that because her mother was actually always really supernice to me. I did go to her wake.)
Wonderful (slightly paraphrased) quote from Tina: "You know, I was thinking, after you lose your virginity, you're going to be a really good lay because you're so dramatic." No, she did not have a crystal ball on her at the time.
Along those lines: Somewhere near the end, I said something and was worried it would "make me sound like a slut". Ha. Hahaha. (laughter mostly for the worrying)
There are a bunch of people from high school that I'm sort of sad I didn't keep in touch with because they were really cool people.
Along those lines: I'm really glad Miguel and TJ are still my best friends.
Along those lines: I can't believe the "Red-Haired Girl in the Cafeteria" incidents happened over FIVE years ago. Holy crap, we got old. (However, those stories are still hilarious five years later. We rock.)
I forgot that there were a few (as in at least three) people who thought I should/would eventually hook up with Jimmy Bitts. Never happened.
There is one entry dedicated to my insecurities about college and the brief period of "I hate music! I don't want to be a music major! Even though teaching music is all I've ever wanted to do, I don't want to do that now! I want to be a lawyer or a psychiatrist!" We know how that one turned out.
Nicole and Matt were starting their breakup. It took well over a year to truly "take".
Doing things with Forrest was a dumb idea (and yes, I knew that back then). I can't believe I fooled myself into thinking that I would have any sort of emotional connection to him. However, hooking up with him partially to spite Marc...still hilarious five years later.
A very small part of me misses tennis lessons. Actually, I mostly miss my teacher, Greg. He was a really cool guy.
I was making music theory jokes and singing in solfege syllables at the young age of sixteen. Some things never change.
Along those lines: I still love music theory. And Tina. And Tina in music theory. Especially when she would write me little notes and I would chew on her hair and Kristen would be annoying. No one in college would let me chew on their hair during music theory. Though I did constantly pull on Jen's hair and Katie's pigtails. I wanted to see if the other one got shorter. ;) Oh, and there were still plenty of annoying people in my classes. Some things never changed.
I can't believe I stuck with physics. Not like I remember anything from it. (Not like I did well in it. 68 on the Regents, oh yeah.)
I'm trying to think of why I would have been practicing the bassoon on October 10th, 2000. It seems a bit early for NYSSMA (because everyone knows I only practiced for NYSSMA and college auditions). I'm thinking maybe the Solos & Ensembles concert? (Bop Duets!)
Luis Febo was an Angry Gay Man. I'm assuming he still is.
Marc really was a psychotic asshole, wasn't he.
Along those lines: I could really be a vindictive bitch when I wanted to be, even at that age. Five years later...still hilarious. I rock. :-D