Move Along Folks, No Terror Here.

Mar 01, 2008 13:34

With fascination, I follow the developing  story  of the Las Vegas lodger, now hospitalized after being exposed to ricin.  *

The kind reader is told:

Officers who found the deadly poison ricin in a Las Vegas, Nevada, extended-stay hotel room also discovered firearms and an "anarchist-type textbook" with an entry about ricin bookmarked, police said Friday.

And there is no reason to not to believe he's a freelance cancer researcher, interested in socio-political affairs, protecting himself  against packs of bandit scorpions.

We are assured

...that the discovery is not considered a terror incident "at this point."

Is there a reason I should not feel a bit "terrorized?"  Perhaps not:

There was no word of a Koran in the room.

*My hyperlink thing is not working properly and my HTML dexterity is failing me.

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