Jul 24, 2006 20:56
Yes, I spend an excessive amount of time on the computer.
I cannot deny this.
But it is the shredder --my overtaxed Dynex 8-sheet paper shredder that
has been receiving hours, and days, of my attention.
I overfeed the poor beast that its teeth jam with pulpy excess.
It groans in as if to scream "Damn you! Damn you to hell. Those ads, man, those ads are the equivalent of 2 sheets and you know this well! Time is spent dislodging the jammed cogs. Too much time is unecessarily spent doing this. My hands form an aching claw. I promise myself again and again to feed the sheets carefully, tenderly so as not to overwork the machine. Yet,again and again, it jams. And I laboriously poke, pull and clean.
It should not be this way.
In hindsight, it would have been wise to spend an extra $5 for a 16 sheeter.
I knew my backlog of useless documents was great. I knew patience was
hardly my chief virtue. Some days, I believe "Dyna" (I call her "Dyna") has
chewed her last. But no, she continues to serves me well. And she will continue to do so until that day a staple bends one of her overtaxed gears and she fries like an oily burger.