Title: The King's Journey
the_rushingwindPairing: Radek Zelenka/Rodney McKay
Rating: NC-17 (graphic sex)
Category: AU/Drama
Disclaimer: I don't own Stargate, Barnum and Bailey, or Cirque du Soleil. Also, 'Phantom of the Opera' belongs to Andrew Lloyd Webber, despite what you may read in this story.
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 10,383
Author's Notes: An unforgivably late entry. Written for
cat_latin, who prompted me as follows: "Zelenka is a retired-acrobat who owns his own circus. Rodney is a retired Broadway has-been. They team up, and transform the circus to the proportions of Cirque du Soleil, and become attracted to each other in the process."
This "little prompt" subsequently grew into a 10,000 word monster.
Ayiana began to sing a Gregorian chant to the tune of an Arabian drone, and as he watched the light illuminate Rodney’s face, Radek thought he might be in a different world-a world in which light and sound came together to form a new kind of beauty. )