Apr 27, 2010 12:14
I haven't written on this thing in a good year or two. I can't believe I made it through my winter in Vermont (well almost, we've got a small amount of snow mixed with rain in the forecast). Its the last week of spring semester classes. We have finals, then I'm home from May 15-26th before I head back for summer classes - my last 3 of my degree - then I'll have a Masters in Environmental Law & Policy.
In late July I have to pack up, and move back to the west coast. To where? I have no idea yet. All I know is that I will be making the trip cross country with all my shit, my dad, and my cat. She's gonna hate life - when I brought her home from the shelter (a 1 hour ride btw - she puked, peed, and pooped in her cat carrier. lovely) Something tells me I'll be drugging her to kingdom come.
I've finally begin interviewing for jobs over the last week or two - after sending out about a billion (okay more like 50) emailed applications or letters of interest over the last 3 months. I am alternately so thrilled to begin work, and absolutely paralyzed with fear. I've had internships, and I've worked in retail, but I've never had an honest-to-goodness office j.o.b. I have an interview to teach extension courses at UCI. I like this idea for obvious reasons - I know the area, I know the campus, and it's acadamia, so it's safe. I dislike it because I don't get any life experience living in yet another new place, I don't reach out of my comfort zone, and my parents will lobby for me to live at home to safe money, and they've got a valid point.
I was most excited about the interview I had with the CA Wilderness Coalition in Oakland, CA. I've never lived in the Bay Area, Santa Cruz was the furthest north I got in CA, but I think it'd be fun to live near the city. Now that I'm 21 and can enjoy the nightlife... After living in buttfuck nowehere SoRo, Vermont for a year, I think I'm officially capable of living pretty much anywhere in CA - the more urban, the better. Having to not drive to the next state over for groceries will be a luxury.
I wake up most nights will anxiety dreams about the move, and the new life I'm basically starting. I guess you can't stay a student forever - or you could, but shouldn't. Also, it seems like everyone I know getting engaged, married, or knocked up. I have hit that point in life where, before flirting with a guy, I check his ring finger. Wow. I remember my old boss/mentor telling me about the first time that happened to her, but I can't believe I hit that age. I also can't believe how comfortable I am with the idea that one of my next few relationships could be "the one".
The idea of getting married doesn't really scare me that much anymore. I used to laugh at the prospect, it seemed so far off. Now, it seems like more a matter of meeting the right person. I'm not actively looking for that sort of relationship, I'm just not opposed to the idea either. In fact, I am terrible at single life. I don't want to try and find a boyfriend just for the sake of having one, but when I'm single I let myself go more, and gain weight since I cook for two by default it seems, haha. I'm a relationship kind of girl - at least I recognize that.
My hope is that the right job will come along soon. I'll find a good cat-friendly apartment, in a safe neighborhood, near enough to my office to walk to work. Then hopefully soon after, meet a nice guy so I'm not alone in a new place. Not necessarily THE right guy, just a nice one without any trace of crazy, I've had my fill of crazy lately. Someone to spend time in my new city with, to explore restaurants, see movies, and cook with. That's the daydream at least, I don't think it sounds to unattainable...