Rainy Day Confessions, or Does this make me a bad mother?

Jun 30, 2009 22:47

This morning I let my eleven-month old baby fall into the pool. It was after our ISR lesson (more on that in a future post). He reached for a ball in the pool and our instructor said he had learned enough to let him fall, so I did. He did exactly what he was supposed to do (rotate onto his back and float) and only needed a bit of help at the end. Most surprisingly, he stopped crying almost as soon as he was out of the pool and was reaching for the ball again just minutes later!

For lunch, we had Ramen noodles. He loves noodles. Granted, our version had steamed chicken breast, fresh spinach leaves and tomatoes, and was cooked in vegetable stock instead of the msg-laden flavor packet. But Ramen always brings back memories of those poor college student days! I really gotta get to the grocery store.

Then he played outside in the rain. Hey, I did, when I was a kid! Those are some of my fondest memories. We've done it before and I didn't want to today. But he put up such a fuss, reaching for the door and cryng in a way normally reserved for tragedies like being left in another room while I go to the bathroom. Mystified, I finally opened the back door, upon which the crying ceased and he tottered happily into the wet. At least he mostly played under the canopy, so I didn't have to get soaked. Afterwards there were plenty of dry towels, baby leg warmers and snuggling with the dog (also wet... *sigh*)

Not sure I've quite got the hang of this motherhood thing!


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