
Aug 14, 2008 15:39

Nathaniel was four weeks old yesterday. And as Scott likes to point out when he's crying, we can't figure out what he needs, and what worked yesterday isn't working today, he is a different baby every day!

Last Friday for the first time he looked at me. Until then he always appeared to look through me or off into space with an expression of intense concentration. Friday he actually looked at our faces, with sort of a neutral or interested expression. I can't tell you what it did for me emotionally; for the first time I felt more like his mama than his milch cow! We're still waiting for the elusive social smile. We've seen hints of a smile, but nothing lasting long enough to ensure it isn't just gas!

Tuesday we had his tongue untied. This was a simple procedure in which the doctor clipped the frenulum (the little membrane under the tongue) part-way back. Nathaniel was "tongue-tied", which meant the frenulum was too short and/or attached too close to the tip of his tongue. N couldn't extend his tongue very far, which the lactation consultant thinks was contributing to the toe-curling pain I had when nursing. The jury is still out on whether this has solved our problem, but I have noticed improvement.

Tuesday afternoon we successfully attempted our first outing without Dad. It was my first time driving since the birth, not to mention managing the car seat and all the gear and accessories that seem necessary to traveling with an infant. I met saeriellyn at the cloth diaper Meet-up at Infusion Tea. It turned out to be a confidence booster, being in a venue and among people supportive of me practicing new mom behaviors like changing diapers and nursing in public. Plus I had saeriellyn for moral support!

While my days are long and I frequently lose all track of time and space, one month out we are far from the desperation of the first two weeks. They tell me I should see another shift at about six weeks; I'll let you know!


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