back home

Aug 03, 2008 19:50

I am back home. Well, home as NV anyways. It was a hellish drive. My car did not behave at all! Had to stop in KC to get it serviced at the dealership. Took 6.5 days, should of only taken us 4.5. I am "borrowing" a neighbors internet connection so this won't be long but I wanted to say "hi" and I made it. My cell doesn't work here, so as soon as I can get $ to switch providers I will be in contact again. I can use my parents internet but since they smoke in their house, I limit my time there. Grif's asthma is acting up with the climate change and smoke doesn't help. No job yet, but hope that will change ina moments notice. Waiting on unemployment check. Applied for help in NV as well for food stamps and insurance until money comes in. Got the kids enrolled in school. Riley has started practicing football already. Jack, well, let's say now was not the best time to give up the crib. lol He LOVES having more space and a yard.
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