The Movement of the Earth -- Prologue

Sep 04, 2010 13:37

Title: The Movement of the Earth
Author: audreyii_fic
Fandom: Twilight (Team Jacob)
Rating: T
Characters: Bella, Jacob, Charlie, and others (J/B)
Genre: Romance/Angst/Wolfpack!Humor
Warnings: Language, violence, and references to adult behavior

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Comments 102

caddyeverafter7 September 4 2010, 19:43:13 UTC
Ah! A new story from you :D I was very excited when I got the notification in my inbox.

Despite the fact that this has apparently been used a lot, this is the first time I've ever read a story about Jacob imprinting on Bella. I can't wait to read the rest of it and I love the fact that the updates are twice a week (I could never do that). I admire your determination to try your hardest to sound like Meyer because I know that if I tried that, I'd probably go mad and ravage the room. No one would be safe.

Great job on the chapter. I need more Charlie/Bella love in my life. Haha. ♥♥♥


audreyii_fic September 4 2010, 20:00:19 UTC
Despite the fact that this has apparently been used a lot, this is the first time I've ever read a story about Jacob imprinting on Bella.

Really? Whoa. I "Jacob Bella imprint" and got back 200 pings... and scanned every single one of them. I'm pretty sure no one's taken it the direction I'm planning, at least. On the other hand, there's very little here on LJ about imprinting, since, well, we kinda hate it around here. (Trust me, I won't be talking you out of it.)

I love the fact that the updates are twice a week (I could never do that).

I'm not sure I can either. This one ain't coming easy, but I've got six chapters backlogged, so hopefully that will give me enough breathing space.

I admire your determination to try your hardest to sound like Meyer because I know that if I tried that, I'd probably go mad and ravage the room. No one would be safe.

Who says I haven't?

I need more Charlie/Bella love in my life.Getting to write more Charlie is at least 50% of the reason I'm doing this fic, I'm not gonna lie ( ... )


lykeleia September 4 2010, 20:08:01 UTC
I also am thrilled that you'll be doing another one. Not only did I adore the last, most of all for its realism in this universe, and with the plot that you chose, it was just so beautifully written. You had Jacob down so perfectly well.

Also, this gives me something to look forward to!

And again, I'm loving that you're tackling a plotline that's relatively popular in fandom, but not necessarily always done well.

I still can't believe how wonderfully and convincingly you wrote about Jacob and Bella possibly having a baby... it was something I had thought about after having read that in Breaking Dawn, no matter how messy it seemed (given the circumstances). And yet you turned it into a lovely story. So thank you. :)


audreyii_fic September 4 2010, 20:45:02 UTC
Not only did I adore the last, most of all for its realism in this universe, and with the plot that you chose, it was just so beautifully written. You had Jacob down so perfectly well.

I'm happy to hear you liked it :D We'll see if I can manage Bella half as well -- she's a whole lot harder to hear than Jacob.

And again, I'm loving that you're tackling a plotline that's relatively popular in fandom, but not necessarily always done well.

It's sort of my modus operandi in fanfic. Always has been. Not sure why.

Again, very happy you liked Definition of Want, and hope you wind up liking this one too :)


rayerei September 4 2010, 20:10:25 UTC
It's kind of creepy how much of SM is in this. Actually it's a lot creepy. But you're doing a good job of making it work. :)

You won't have to worry about falling into insanity, there's enough of us here to keep you on your feet before all is lost.

Loved this:
A passerby had laughed at me and said with a wink not to worry, it was just a little earthquake, happened all the time.

Just a little earthquake. Then it was gone.


audreyii_fic September 4 2010, 20:47:19 UTC
It's kind of creepy how much of SM is in this. Actually it's a lot creepy.

To be fair, at least a third of this chapter is flat-out hers. I just did some light shuffling here and there. Otherwise, yeah, I've been working really hard at absorbing her style -- her favorite words, her sentence structure, her pacing -- and it's killing braincells faster than I can rebuild them, let me tell you.

Glad you liked that line (ever been in San Fran? those tiny earthquakes really do feel like vertigo attacks), and happy you're reading :) Thanks!


rayerei September 5 2010, 18:53:22 UTC
I've been working really hard at absorbing her style -- her favorite words, her sentence structure, her pacing
Okay, but if you use the word Chagrin, I may have to punch something. ;)

I've only been to San Fran once, and I didn't feel a thing. I have felt a few elsewhere though, and I agree, they do feel like vertigo attacks.


audreyii_fic September 6 2010, 17:31:44 UTC
You do know that now I'm going to have to throw in some chagrins as a present just for you, right? ;)


runsamrun September 4 2010, 20:21:29 UTC
Oh lord, I've been waiting for chapter fic forever! :) I know I'm gonna love this. I need Jacob! He better appear in the next chapter, or else! :)


audreyii_fic September 4 2010, 20:48:11 UTC
LOL. Don't worry, Jacob does, in fact, turn up. Being Bella POV, though, we sadly must spend more time with her than Jake ;)

Glad to fulfill your chapter fic needs!


kerame September 4 2010, 20:31:35 UTC
Only you could get me to read a story with imprinting, just like you're the only one who could get me to read the Edward-pimping-Bella-out-for-puppies scenario.

You and Jacob seem to share a savior-complex and attraction to (cute) lost causes so the kitten-saving sounds strictly IC ;)


audreyii_fic September 4 2010, 20:50:13 UTC
Yeah, I kind of figured I'd be burning some political capital from DoW on this one. We'll see how well the LJ community takes to this one because, well, no matter who's writing it... it's still imprinting.

And thanks ;) I do have an attraction to hopeless plots. And, well, kittens. Please spread the word in the event of my demise, because seriously, if word got out that it happened while I was attempting to sound like Stephenie Meyer... well, if I wasn't dead already, I'd have to die then.


_argustar September 4 2010, 22:20:52 UTC
if word got out that it happened while I was attempting to sound like Stephenie Meyer... well, if I wasn't dead already, I'd have to die then.

I think that cause of death would get you an automatic Darwin Award, that's for sure.


audreyii_fic September 5 2010, 05:21:20 UTC
If not, then the award has officially lost all meaning.


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