Cast A Shadow (and it's nothing like your own)

Nov 25, 2013 12:55

Title: Cast a Shadow (and it's nothing like your own)
Author: audreyii_fic
Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Loki, Jane Foster, Thor (Lokane)
Genre: Angst/Drama
Warnings: Explicit sex.

Jane loves Thor; Loki loves power. Pity winning the latter requires seducing the former. (Post-Thor: The Dark World.)

Loki has always been excellent at finding footholds. )

via ljapp

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elle_blessing November 27 2013, 05:50:01 UTC
I'm not sure Loki knows, either

Yeah, I don't think he knows. I like the way Tom Hiddleston plays him. Very nuanced. He's every inch the villain... and yet, he cares and is broken in his own way, and that makes him sympathetic in a way that the Big Bads are not. Loki exists in the grey areas, and tends toward the darkness. And then on top of that he's all mischief and all schemes and all opportunistic, and it makes for a really exciting character.

like the fact that hitting a man with a car only mattered insomuch as it interfered with her data collection.

I'd forgotten that! She's the kind of person that could go either way and it would really depend on the influences in her life -- which is how you played it :D

If you only ever read one Loki/Darcy thing, ever, you MUST read The Kink Meme Made Them Do It by lunik_the_bard. I recently rec'd it on my LJ with this commentary (and coincidentally, recently rec'd this story on my LJ too, and am so proud of all my friends who came here, read and commented. *showers them with cookies*):

ELLE: This is a series of comments on the THOR/AVENGERS norsekink meme community. Basically, this is kind of the fic equivalent of breaking the fourth wall. It's a kink meme response fic that tells the tale of Loki and Darcy writing kink meme responses about themselves. It's HILARIOUS. AND THE BEST. Pretty much one of my favorite stories ever. (It is unfinished. I usually won't read something that's unfinished, but this is so worth it.)


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