Title: Pieces of the Memories Author: audreyii_fic Fandom: Twilight (Team Jacob) Rating: T Characters: Swan Family, Black Family, Clearwater Family Genre: Humor/Angst/Friendship Warnings: Occasional language.
You picked just the right time to go with simplicity. Leah'd be terrible at a flowery apology. Lol! I adored the interaction between Harry and his fuzzyduck. ;) Very sweet. The backstory you've made for Harry and Sue deserves it's own fic. Lol!
I do like it. You're posting E/B, and the thing is that there's really very little crossover. I don't expect to get a lot of readers of this fic from there either (I think it'll mostly come from people who have friended me), but it's a nice place to give people a heads up. And also for random discussions.
There's remarkably little cross-over, for sure. Lol! Willow had mentioned I might post there, but maybe I'll leave off for now. I was thinking of doing a little one-shot about Emily, so maybe I'll hang onto posting rights until I finish what I'm doing now and get THAT down on the screen...
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