
Apr 07, 2011 09:52

Title: Off-Hand
Author: audreyii_fic
Fandom: Twilight (Team Jacob)
Rating: M
Characters: Jacob/Bella
Genre: Romance/Humor
Warnings: Explicit sex.

Bella speaks without thinking, and the results lead to an interesting afternoon. Pre-FURSPLODE!sion. Prompted by Rifftrax. Total crack!smut fluff.

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Comments 55

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audreyii_fic April 10 2011, 00:53:49 UTC
LOL. Thanks. Actually the quickest and easiest explicit full virgin!sex I've ever written. They were agreeable this time!


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audreyii_fic April 10 2011, 13:22:08 UTC
Well, Jake is :) Bella had to go pretty OOC here to be normal, but... well, it's not *entirely* outside the realm of possibility.


naranwien April 10 2011, 00:00:43 UTC
I just died and went to heaven. I should know, because shit must've really sucked before I read this as I'm now (aftermath of idiot-grin all throughout the story) grinning hugely.

I totally love love love pre-wolf!Jake. Like. I can't even think of what to say. I'd go back and quote my favorite moments, but I'd end up quoting the whole goddamn thing, so, yeah: ALL awesomeness. <3

I sign and second the previous reviewer's comment: /fangirl


audreyii_fic April 10 2011, 00:54:40 UTC
LOL, thanks :) Pre-wolf!Jake is one of my favorites; I can't believe I never wrote smut with him before. Serious, horrifying oversight on my part. He's just so adorable. *snorgles*


willow2883 April 10 2011, 01:33:02 UTC
Oh god, I'm so happy! You did it! And it was soooo good! I giggled like a moron through the whole thing.
*moment of reverent silence*
That was so perfect. So perfect. And Jacob - and the long hair - and the turning around to go back to the garage - and the 'this is the coolest thing I've ever done' - and the kiss - and the, the ALL of it! This is going straight to my favorites. You must listen to Rifftrax more often. And I am definitely going to youtube to download after dinner! <3


audreyii_fic April 10 2011, 02:19:53 UTC
Glad you liked :) And I don't think it's *possible* for me to listen to Rifftrax more often. I've practically got them memorized.

(And yes, long hair. This is why I'm surprised I never wrote pre-wolf!Jake sex before.)


lulu_honey April 10 2011, 02:11:24 UTC
Aww, that was so cute. You've never written pre-fursploded sex before and I think that it's a terrible shame :( I demand more in future. Please.

I laughed as soon as I saw the lj-cut quote. RiffTrax is quite possibly one of my favorite things in the entire fandom.


audreyii_fic April 10 2011, 02:21:22 UTC
If I come up with any, I surely will. I honestly have no idea why it hasn't happened before now. Maybe there's a prompt series in there somewhere. I'll have to contemplate.

Rifftrax is epic beyond epic beyond epic. And that quote just sort of... inspired.


azure_rhymes April 10 2011, 02:56:31 UTC
ahhhhh what an excellent thing to come home to! @u@


audreyii_fic April 10 2011, 03:30:38 UTC
LOL. Glad you liked :)


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