(no subject)

Mar 19, 2007 18:21

Okay, I'm not crazy, if you knew me in real life you'd probably say I'm one of the most down to earth people you know but I'm a pisces. No,no, listen, I promise this wont be painful at all.

Anyways, if you know anything about astrology you know that pisceans are very other worldly & conect to the spiritual world very easily, which is why I think I like the HP world so much.

Well, I have an amazing imagination, like I don't see things the way other people see them. Like the other day, I was skiing with my friend & she said that at night they groom the hill by running these machines over it. Well, the image that popped into my mind was not the comblike machines that she was talking about. No, in my mind, I see a hundred people standing with a ginormous red rolling pin that spans the whole length (side to side) of the hill (like the ones you bake with except no handles) & all the people push it down the hill. Then, at the bottom of the hill there is a huge rubber band that stretches out at the bottom of the hill so when the rolling pin hits it, it logically bounces back up the hill.

Well, I obviously didn't believe that this was actually how the flattened out the snow on the hill, but it did lead to me laughing my butt off on the skii lift while my friend looked at me like i had three heads.

Anyways, back to my point, I'm a very imaginative person. So, I realized today that I actually make up (without really thinking about it) people & animals & entire worlds that literally I see in my mind that exsist on top of the real world (does that make sense?). This "world" & it's people always have a background & a story to me. They aren't really there, like I don't really see them but I just know that they are there & make up an image & place it where I sense they are. They are kind of a personification of me, like instead of a little voice in my head for a concience I have them. When I'm around my friends or other people I think of them & they are sort of a little inside joke, a piece of me that noone knows about, well untill now.

I just wanted to know if anyone else does something like this, it's something I know little kids do but i thought I'd grow out of it by now.
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