the one where I die like 3 times.

Mar 10, 2007 10:50

holy smokes! Last night I saw the movie 300, & with no parental guardian I am very proud to say.

Oh My God! *dies*

*dies again*

It was freaking amazing, I suggest everyone, under the age of 30, that is, to see this movie.

The. men. all. have. eight. packs.


Who knew that was even possible?

but oh wow, the story was amazing, the actors were to die for, the bad guy is very drag-queenish & the whole thing was just beautiful. I want to see it again! & again & again.

I'm addicted. It's like adrenaline rushing & just...


I can't even think of a word for what it is.

Go. See. It. Now.
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