May 23, 2004 15:47
well first and formost alicia you are sooo awesome plese dont let anyone bring you down sotimes in life you have to fight to be the perosn you wnat to be the person that makes YOU happy and somtimes you will loose some people but You have to stand up for yourself! i learned that!
RACH I LOVE YOU i had an awesome time with you
you always have me always!
Its wierd how everyone goes through friends problems towrd the end of the year
people say the friends you have at the end of you sophomore year are the friends you will keep throught high school.... i wonder if that is true???
soo tomarrows the day my brother graduates gosh i love him more latly then ever he is the best brother i have ever had in my whole life!! lol he would do anything for me...and i wish he could stay in highschool with me forever!