Feb 21, 2008 13:01
For those of you that read my live journal posts will certainly agree that i NEVER air dirty laundry about my friends or problems with friends. In my opinion this medium of attack is highly overused and cowardly. If someone has a problem with my FAMILY have the balls to deal with us directly vs. putting shit all over live journal. I'm not naming any names leelee...but if you have an issue...have the balls to talk directly to TD...I hate i'm forced to reply on this level...but i have no choice but to address this in the same medium. At least this way my words are in black and white for everyone to read so they can't be twisted around to fit your needs. This is my biggest fear I'm prepared to hear..... "I don't understand what I did wrong." and of course her playing the victim, and of course "how dare you pick on me.. " and lying to make it look like she's the one who's right" Again...I'm sorry for the fact i'm forced to stoop to this level for it's not in my character as has been proven thru my numerous posts. I have talked face to face...to no avail. I'm not angry...I'm not mad...I'm just done with this bullshit drama.