Oct 13, 2004 04:00
Recently, I have realized that things aren't always as they appear to be. A "friend" that I thought use to be more than just a friend has recently let me down. I have realized that giving up my time for him is not worth it because he doesn't give up his time for me. I thought he was being sincere when he wanted to build our friendship back to where it was, but like usual it was all lies. I don't deserve to be treated this way and I don't appreciate it. That means my real friends, the ones who actually care to devote time to me will be in my life, and those who choose not to take time out of their day to talk to me will receive the exact same treatment. I am not so naive that I don't see what happened... IT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN... I can gaurantee it. Out of all my friends, only one person has treated me this way.. you know who you are. Tonight wasn't the cheery Audrey because of the obvious stuff I have been going through. Why did it take me this long to see something that EVERYONE saw in the beginning.