Oct 05, 2007 18:13
- My neighbor had my RAM. They brought it over. I don't know why they signed for it when I was home. At least I got it. However, Apple overcharges and does a really dumb thing (sends you 2 chips of half the size instead of 1 chip of the full size.) I am thus mailing back the Apple RAM, and bought RAM through Best Buy for about $130 less. Best Buy was the worst customer service experience I've had in a very long time. Do not get me started.
- Installation was ridiculous. Really, I Mean, it was me AND Dan BOTH pressing down with the maximum force possible. I really mean maximum force possible; my fingers are slightly numb and dented still 24 hours later.
- That being said, SO WORTH ALL OF THAT. 2GB of RAM is awesome, and my computer can do so much more without a hitch, and I already had a pretty damn awesome computer with an awesome processor, and now I have 2 GB of RAM.
- School is going well. My students are still absolute hellions but cuter while being hellions and completely growing on me. I like this age far more than I originally thought that I would. I mean, I like teaching autism, period, but I never, in any of my thoughts of teaching, pictured myself teaching middle schoolers. Teaching middle schoolers is HARD, and far far far less people decide to teach middle school, even statistically speaking.
- Mercy NOT going so well. HATE HATE HATE towards everything that is Mercy. And especially towards people who have no effing clue what they are talking about, and yet are trying to tell me that I don't know. AKA teachers who have bad ratings telling me that I don't know about our autism kids; teachers who have never taught autism saying I don't know what is a best practice. STFU.
- I WANT to clean my apartment tonight, Monica-clean my apartment, because it needs it, and because I like doing that. But my energy levels are flagging far more than they should ---
- Probably because I have not remembered to take my vitamin for the past week. Bad me, bad me.
- It's a three day weekend. And that's awesome.
- I am SO playing WoW this weekend.