Aug 08, 2009 23:55
So I found my old dream journals. They are filled with gems.
"There was a hole in the ground and two men were arguing about what size it would be biblically. The small one turned into the big one and one guy called it the "pit of Gibraltar"
You can tell I was thinking about the Bible a lot. If the pit of Gibraltar exists, I want to know.
"Tom (my brother, Tom) was a drug dealer and I could tell he was smoking (sic) cocaine. There was an elevator and it somehow diddnt work correctly and we couldnt get to the right floor. There was a department store we had to get out of, but we couldn't find our way"
Smoking cocaine is the new thing to do!
"I got second place overall in orchestra placement. Sandy got first. I got to play first part on a new work for orchestra by some Japanese composer. Come rehearsal I diddnt have the part, but only the first page had its own part, and the rest of the pages were combined first and second. Sandy had the second part. I made up stuff for the first page, it was easy to make up because it was all minimalist. But i did get some interesting looks from the composer, and Sandy kept rolling her eyes at me. The rest of the music was very weird. Sometimes instead of barlines there were roof tiles or cones. At one point I was playing contrabass flute in the shape of a big 4."
I love how I start out without music, but then I have one page, then barlines made of roof tiles and i have a contrabass.
"I was in history class and halfway through, half of the class upped and left"
I have no recollection of this
"I am at McDonalds with my mom. She makes me order a #3 supersize and swipes her own card. I diddnt want (or couldnt eat) the big mac so I orered some fries for myself. I ask the clerk guy whether they fry anything else in the oil besides potatoes and he assures me that its ok. I order a lirge fries with a tub of cheese. The girl who was working back there got really confused about the cheese and asked me what I was planning on doing. And I say cheese fries and then she understands. She's a bit like a spider monkey"
For some reason, calling someone spider-monkey-like is an apt description. Strange, but apt.
"there is a way to see what your dream means by digging it up out of a box in the ground"
"my sister an I are talking about the end of star wars and how obi wan goes in and kills darth vader and blows up the death star and thats it. I ask her "what comes next?" and she doesnt know. I ask "isnt there supposed to be a 7-8-9 trilogy? and she says "yea, but they'll never get made"
First off, thats not even how the story goes. Second, you have to love my subconscious's sense of comedic timing.
"I am on a fleet of starships flying so fast we have trails behind us. We look like fireflies darting around. We catch up with the rest of the fleet and slow down. our captain likes to travel low to the ground, and so we are dodging trees and zooming over oceans. Our star crafts hover, so there is no danger of a bumpy ride. We set up camp, and our captain looks after our stuff, but gets wiped out by a huge wave and carried out to sea. We all follow him with big sticks and things. I catch up to him and pull him close with my stick. Everyone is relieved. Jen Murray wants us to go back to shore now. I dont know where our stuff is"
I love this dream! I love how I rationalize the irrational. I'm on a starship, yet the lack of bumps need to have an explanation? And its obviously the future, and somehow "sticks and things" are the best tools at our disposal. I love at the end how i'm still in the dream.
"Mr. Shearer's computer is now an old Honda hatchback from 1980 or so. Its my turn and you have to sit in the drivers seat to get online and use the computer. I open up the back and it gets water everywhere. I apologize and he says "nah, its probably good for it" I get in the driver's seat and access Gmail, but they've switched over to a flash animated site and I dont know how to use it"
A hatchback computer. Nice.
I'm going to start journaling my dreams again. My subconscious is too awesome to not document in some way.