'You cheated.'
Yep, that's me, I'm a cheater. I just ensured myself another hour online without having to worry about someone cutting off my extended time by pulling the card out and sticking it back in to the reader.
Sixty more minutes of internet time at the very least. Yum.
Okay, so I've got another vid, because I like this one a lot too:
Elves Although it bugs me that Aragorn is never counted among the Elves. He IS of the Half-Elven line, even though Elros chose to live as a mortal. He's a much Elf as is Elrond or Arwen.
Well, maybe not.
HobbitsFrodoAnd I liked this one not for the music, but for the fact that it doesn't emphasize any pairing:
Eowyn I've still got the highest grade in my computers class. Go me.