Week 5

Feb 02, 2014 23:24

Not a terribly exciting week. I need to ruminate on it a bit more. Being on-call has thrown my weekend to-do list out the window and I haven't considered a post topic until now.

Fixed my malfunctioning digital multi meter. It was giving weird DC voltage readings. Opened it and found a blown fuse. Off to Radio Shack for a fuse. Still reading off, but it wasn't generating random roving values now. Found a short in the 9V battery lead. Off to Radio Shack again for a less-cheapo battery connector cable. Readings were much more accurate, but still slightly off. Pulled the circuit board and cleaned the dial contacts. Finally, it works! Now I can get back to fixing the things I needed my DMM for.

Picked up a bit of a nail in my scoot's rear tire today. No dramatic loss of pressure, just a vaguely squashy feeling while cornering. Checked the tire when I got home. Found and pulled the metal out; the air in the tire followed suit. Wonderful. I may plug it for the moment, as I wasn't ready to throw a new set of Michelin Power Pures just yet. May have to do those before the Yuma ride for safety's sake, but I'm not happy about the additional headache/expense of replacing and balancing the tires right now.

Think I have my classes/sorted for the semester. Took a quiz on Wednesday and was glad to find that I remembered more Debian than I thought I did. Maybe this class won't demand as much time as I expected and leave time to prep for the other one that starts in the last week of March.

I'll post more later.
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