Nov 12, 2009 10:07
I have survived my first 2 quarters of grad school, which means I am technically 1/2 way through the classroom portion of school. This is damn good because I don't think I could handle more than a year of classes in this place. There are a few good teachers, but, by and large, the instruction is abysmal. This especially applies to my pathology class. The instructors are ancient, lazy and beyond caring about the structure or effectiveness of the course. Lectures are often irrelevant and presented with such mumbling that they are past comprehension. For the second time, my class has not been given assigned seats for the exam, while all the medical students are seated. They have not made any effort to change this. The course coordinator is rather rude and laughed at a legitimate question from a student. I don't like being frustrated and insulted every day, and I especially don't like paying for it. Several of us have brought up issues we have with the course, but it does nothing. If this professor were younger, I would really be tempted to go to war with him. But, as it is, I just have to survive this class for the next two semesters and try to get from it what I can. Hoping that these next two quarters will be better.
Other than that, not much is going on. Exercise continues to be my stress relief, which consists of running, lifting and stretching right now. I fenced in Cleveland the earlier this week and it reminded me how much I miss it. I just haven't found the time to do it around school though. It is also a matter of price. I will try, but it will likely be put on hold for the next year and a half.
I pretty much lack a social life, but that is more my fault than anybody else's. Maybe I will do more of that this coming quarter and maybe I won't, eh.
Now I am visiting the family in MN for a few days before classes start back up on Monday. (I still do not have a complete schedule. I had disorganized people). Inviting the grandparents over for dinner tonight, which should be good. Of course, my mom is freaking out right now. She made a giant cake, bought pop (which nobody drinks), and spent last night washing the bathroom floor. It is easier just to let her do these things. Oh well.
Anyway, that is pretty much my life right now. I could say more but it would turn into a bitch-fest about M1s, their stupidity and other frustrating school things.