Aug 07, 2009 08:33
So as of last Friday, I have survived my first quarter of grad school and I will be back for more in a week. Woo-hoo. Would be nice if I actually had a schedule though. Don't even know where I am supposed to be on the morning of Monday the 17th. I know they were waiting to make sure things were coordinated with other programs, but still. Sometimes it feels like grad school is an exercise in communication failure. It really is pretty amazing. Administration gave us two days to nominate class officer candidates at a time when everyone is on break. They also thought it would be a good idea to hold election today, when nobody is around to vote. (You have to show up to vote). It has now been changed, but clearly there is a lack of forethought here.
Anyway, break has been pretty good thus far. I spent a few days catching up with people and Cleveland and doing a little fencing for the first time in a long time. Also got some woods in, if only a little. I also caught up with some old colleagues who happened to be in Chicago for a meeting. Now I have been in MN for less than 24 hours and my mother is already trying to over-feed me and is driving me a little nuts. But it was good to hang out with a couple of cousins last night.
Now I am hoping for woods, exercise and more people. I will post the promised entry about Sophia soon, whether you want it or not.